eSport Official Discord News read more news > Meet the Winner of Thunder CUP 2025: Team Hide! Congratulations to Team Hide! Their victory was very impressive — they secured first place in the tournament even before the last week finished!
To keep up with all the happenings in the world of Esports in War Thunder, join our community on Discord! “Snailonidas” pack For War Thunder Esports fans, don’t forget about this small but very cute pack that contains a unique decal and title. “Snailonidas” pack! The Kit Includes...
Compare player and squadron stats for War Thunder, track progress, and gain insights into vehicle performance and battles. Join over 4.8 million players on ThunderSkill!
加入官方电子竞技 Discord 社区! 北京时间 6 月 24 日 (16:00) 至 6 月 26 日 (16:00) 以及从 7 月 1 日(16:00) 至 7 月 3 日 (16:00) War Thunder eSports 频道上的观众将有机会获取: 10式战车 涂装 强-5L 涂装 勒克莱尔 涂装 “电竞玩家” 头像 JA37D 涂装 梅卡瓦 Mk 4M 涂装 F-14B...
在這款全新 PvP 大型多人線上戰鬥遊戲中,駕駛傳說級的軍用載具出擊!海陸空三軍的載具同時在戰場上拚殺,堪比真實的戰鬥。《War Thunder:Mobile》的所有戰艦、戰車與戰機無論是外觀還是功能,都比照現實世界的標準,遊戲節奏緊湊且刺激熱血,玩家輕鬆就能操控勁爆且酷炫的 Missions uploaded: 8,137Upload Browse Discord UploadUpload and generate a personalised URL for your custom missions Uploading Guidelines:4MB mission file limit 75 character mission name limit Up to 5 screenshotsIf you need help join my Discord Server or add me: the...
Twitch 掉宝也会在 俄语,德语 和 法语 频道上掉落。 加入官方电子竞技 Discord 社区! 北京时间 6 月 24 日 (16:00) 至 6 月 26 日 (16:00) 以及从 7 月 1 日(16:00) 至 7 月 3 日 (16:00) 10式战车 涂装 强-5L 涂装 勒克莱尔 涂装 ...
如果您有什麽好的意見或者建議,歡迎您加入我們的官方 Discord 中與我們活躍的社區進行討論!或者關注我們的 Instagram 賬號以及時獲取遊戲的最新訊息! 更多 波比龍 , 2023/11/04 沒想到是真的 我一直以為每次辦的抽獎活動都是給台幣戰士參加的,結果這次我真的用免費的次數抽到最大獎!一定要五星的,希望能一直...
Introducing War Thunder Wiki 3.0 A completely revamped game encyclopaedia. #update #wiki Wiki Team13 January 2024 Airborne radars Airborne radars are found on aircraft at both low and high ranks, if an aircraft is equipped with radar then a radar display will be present in the right portion of...
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