Accepting apologies can be done easily, and when accepting an apology, all allies are notified in the in-game chat. The player will not be kicked from the match for the forgiven team kill. All external ammunition on vehicles, which include smoke canisters on ground vehicles and bombs on ...
Enduring Confrontation (also known as "EC") is a separate game mode for aircraft in War Thunder. Unlike in traditional random battles, this mode allows you to join a battle at any time. You also have unlimited respawns, subject to certain rules. In EC, the emphasis is on the players’ ...
multi-monitor setup with wayland does not work atm - mouse doesn't constrain to application between frames, easiest way to fix it - disable second monitor. launching war thunder through Proton fixes this, but latest proton versions crash the game when exiting the match. Input:Bounding Instability...
The damage model of smoke funnels has been fixed - they are harder to disable now: from 2-3 hits by AP shells of their class, and from 1-2 HE shells.The drop in the maximum ship speed when smoke funnels are damaged or destroyed has been reduced ...
Gaijin使用微信支付_没银行卡购买战争雷霆WAR THUNDER Gaijin是一家俄罗斯最大的游戏开发商,被中国玩家熟知的是腾讯代理Gaijin的战争雷霆(WAR THUNDER),除了战争雷霆,Gaijin还拥有创世战车、掠食之翼、Enlisted、Crossout、星际争端(Star Conflict)等炙手可热的游戏。
Kape Technologies creates PIA and supports multiple platforms, including PC, PS4, Mac, Linux, and Xbox. Furthermore, it’s one of the few VPN services with 24/7 live chat support. How can PIA fix War Thunder lag spikes: Connect to over 3,300 servers in 47 countries ...
Of course if you don’t wish to use aim assist at all, you can disable it from the settings menu as normal. 13. Sticky Fingers when Equipping Melee! Another common issue in user feedback was the unequipping of Gear Items (like the Codex Scanner), or dropping the ‘football’ (usually...
Fixed getting the “Failed to Connect to Server” error message instead of “User Cannot Be Found” if you enter an account name in chat that does not exist and attempt to view its profile. Fixed the “Unable to join; Relay instance is reserved for players on another platform” error me...
Download War Thunder Online Client - Imperial Navy - An action-packed MMO game dedicated to World War II military aviation, armored vehicles, and fleets
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