【机翻字幕】Nano的《战争雷霆(War Thunder)》游戏日志:别担心,我在发动一场闪电战 2.8万 342 16:38 App 【BeamNG】中字 大电影 《怪兽卡车: 狂暴之路》MONSTER TRUCKS FURY ROAD │ Epic Police Chase 29 -- 23:55 App 【机翻字幕】TheEuropeanCanadian的《战争雷霆(War Thunder)》游戏日志:消耗战中取胜...
方法1:直接修改游戏文件(懒人请跳到方法2,但是这个方法可以让你下载更少的东西,小水管可以用这个方法)1.找到你的游戏根文件夹 非steam的游戏目录:C:\Program Files\War Thunder 非steam的64位系统游戏目录:C:\Program Files (x86)\War Thunder Steam的游戏目录:C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps...
In fact, they went as far as calling out Sony for thison the official War Thunder Twitter account. Following this action, we reached out to Gaijin once again to get an update on what's going behind the scenes and were told Sony didn't provide clearance yet despite Gaijin having asked mu...
All Content Creators accepted into the program will automatically receive an once-per-account ingame pack containing 10,000 GE, 30 days of premium account, unique "Under the Wire" ingame title and 3D decoration. All benefits and bonuses are added to personal War Thunder accounts only. Special...
#WarThunder: DEV сервер 2.34Новыемоделинасайте https://gamemodels3d.com/games/warthunder/test/最新动态:#МирКораблей: Общийтест 25.3#星战前夜#WorldOfWarships: Общийтест 14.2 喜欢 显示分享列表 6 ...
War Thunder and/or World of Tanks I have a bunch of time invested in both over the years. They tend to be good games for quick action, but neither hole my attention for very long either. Battles often become the same situation repeated ad infinitum. ...
warthunder怎么添加dev 在你的安装盘\WarThunderCDK\develop\assets\gameres\aircrafts\你的飞机名称创建一个文件夹,将你的飞机所有需要的材质文件放入这个文件夹。把所有你的飞机未损伤和损伤模型的lod文件以.dag文件的格式放入这个文件夹。 先删除C盘/用户/你的WIN登录ID/文档/Mygames/warthunder文件夹。登陆steam账...
.github/workflows src/wt_tools tests .flake8 .gitignore README.md requirements-dev.txt requirements.txt setup.py War Thunder resource extraction tools Tools that help you extract resources from game: fonts, textures, FM/DM of tanks/planes/ships, parameters of weapons, and other interesting stuff...
This is a huge surprise but a very welcome one. I've not seen any official announcement, and they seemingly did it very quietly but Gaijin Entertainment has open sourced their Dagor Engine used by War Thunder. Seems it appeared a few days ago on their officialGitHubaccount and it includes ...