While we have many months worth of decals created and planned, you’re welcome to leave your own suggestions on the forum here. For a marking to be considered, we’ll need clear historical references (clear enough to be able to accurately make the decal) along with as many sources and re...
Play ground battles to unlock themed decals, a decoration and the FIAT 6614 FIROS, ready to pop up in unexpected positions and rain a missile storm on the heads of any opponent! 81 10 March 2025 Pages of History (April): Through the Fiery Blizzards In this month’s Pages of History...
War Thunder as a military vehicle simulator can be very immersive, or just another arcade game, depending on what you make it. Customizing your own vehicles to your own liking plays a big part in every player’s experience with the game. #skins #decals #camouflages #decorations — 2 2 ...
The 10th season of Battle Pass, named Royal Guard, begins in War Thunder very soon! By logging into the game and completing tasks and challenges you earn points that unlock Battle Pass levels, and each level earns you a reward! Among them — unique premium combat vehicles, decals, 3D decor...
War Thunderis asingleplayerandmultiplayerthird-personactionandsimulationgame. Key points Cross-platform play with Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players. General information Official Forum Wikia wiki Subreddit Steam Community Discussions Availability•Link ...
–20+ patterns and decals to customize your vehicles –30+ tech power-ups to chose from –3 battle modes: Free for All, Team Death match, Battle Royal –Strategic PvP online multiplayer –Unlock new tanks and make strategic decisions over what part you want to upgrade ...
百度贴吧 聊兴趣,上贴吧 立即打开 打开百度贴吧 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 相关吧 查看更多 手游吧 关注434W 战争雷霆吧 可靠的cnchh 关于战争雷霆手游https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/554335-war-thunder-legends-is-it-legit/ 分享45 战争雷霆吧 BVVD114514 战争雷霆手游 War Thunder: Legends ...
I have a Thunderjet but already have Portuguese markings for it. Unsure I could build a second model. I have been weathering 2 Japanese aircraft for two months as it is! I also have the F-86. LSP_Members 1.4k Male Location:Land of the seafaring raiders... ...
War Thunder as a military vehicle simulator can be very immersive, or just another arcade game, depending on what you make it. Customizing your own vehicles to your own liking plays a big part in every player’s experience with the game. #skins #decals #camouflages #decorations — 2 2 ...
Still undecided on scheme - but have dug out some Dutch decals for a coat of looking at. Iain Derek B and daveculp 2 Alain Gadbois LSP_Members 1.9k Location:Montreal Posted March 4, 2020 Great start, and it really looks like a fun kit to build! Alain Iain 1 Iain LSP...