//warthunder.com//en/tournament/replay/111574248099923165 昵称S-E-M-I-N-O-L-E 游戏场次编号:18c64300013c4dd 理由:透视自瞄 时间1:20往后连续数次击杀 击杀时间点1:28-1:30 1:38-1:40明显没有视野但是能一直锁,后面一直都是,就不一一列举了 Plug-in cheaters automatically aim and see through, ...
Start your engines, call your friends — tank football is back in War Thunder for 2025! 35 24 February 2025 Get Strasbourg in the Raider Hunter Event! It’s time to hunt raiders! It was precisely for their attacks on Allied transport ships that the German Deutschland-class heavy cruiser...
finally, enough with letting cheaters keep playing, too bad this does not extend to trolling others on a match Stona_WT Administrator 19 November 2019 1 Since there is no Skynet yet (I hope there is non), and AI is on stage where it have problems to recognize cat on picture, we wou...
one of the things I find most annoying are the obnoxious animated flash ads with “games”. We probably all know this crap from World of Warplanes, but War Thunder has this “very special” ad, beating anything Wargaming produced. And when I say special, I mean not a “special occasion”...
This sort of system was in CSGO, and called overwatch, to ban cheaters, which should be implemented in WT to catch cheaters. Spawn camping is a map and game design flaw, not a player flaw TyTheGuy27 Metagross555 Nov '23 Yes, it wouldn’t entirely remove spawncamping. However, firing...
Cheaters… I dont trust musk but he wont be bullied i hope. i just watch these vaxxed get sicker. its sad. Please have Clif High on soon as he has new data, Thanks Greg Reply barsoom43 12/02/2022 • Yes on Clif High.. and Dr Paul C. Roberts and Peter Schiff.. Reply ...
We’re constantly working on removing cheaters from War Thunder. We rely on anti-cheat systems to check for prohibited software usage, as well as on reports from players that we carefully go through. You can use the replay service on our website to report players to us who have violated ...