Bomb Damage to German War Productiondoi:10.1080/03071844409419102NoneRoyal United Services Institution Journal
Meet the 17th season of the Battle pass. In this one, you can get the Soviet light cruiser Murmansk and the He 177 A-3 German bomber, armed with the new Hs 293 guided bomb! To receive Battle Pass rewards, you’ll need to regularly log into the game and complete tasks and challenges...
1、Damage 2.0/Puncture Damage穿刺伤害Sibear西伯利亚冰锤Firewalker火焰行者Infested TumorInfested肿瘤Resource Drop Chance Booster资源掉落机率加成Crush粉碎Freeze Force寒冰之力Pouch镖袋Lightning Rod避雷针Executioner Gorth行刑者GorthPrisma Daedalus Shin Guard棱晶代达罗斯护膝板Amprex安培克斯Shattering Justice破碎正义...
Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes: Naval weaponry: Instant fire option for both main and auxiliary calibre guns has been added, By activating this option, main calibre guns fire first, the auxiliary guns fire by pressing the fire button until the main calibre ...
Despite the forceful appearance this animation does not deal any additional damage. While the animation for the slide results in the Necramech lowering its height significantly, its actual collision model does not change and thus still unable to pass through "standard size" doorways....
["Orb Damage"] = "球体伤害", ["Orb Merge"] = "球体融合", ["Uncharged Projectile"] = "未蓄力投射物", ["Fully Charged Projectile"] = "完全蓄力投射物", ["Poison / Ice Quill"] = "毒刺/冰刺", ["Fire / Electric Quill"] = "火刺/电刺", Duplex = "双发", ["Plasma Bomb"] ...
Nuclear weapons in War Thunder allowed skilled players who accumulate enough airstrike points in arcade or spawn points in realistic ground battles to pilot a nuclear weapon-armed aircraft into the battlefield and drop a nuclear bomb. Successful deployment of the bomb will end the game instantly in...
Shell storage damage model has been changed: Shell storage has been divided into shell and fuse chambers, first stage shell stowage, auxiliary guns shell storage and depth charge/bomb storage. Shell magazines explode when destroyed, causing the destruction of the naval vessel. All shells that are...
In War Thunder's naval battles, the Crew Loss mechanic is used to simulate victory by attrition, whether it's through sailor casualties or structural damage that would otherwise render the ship unsalvageable. Damage to critical components and special compartments reduces the percentage of crew able...
and must use cards representing military units to take control of a shared ‘frontline’ between the two players. Infantry and Tanks must take the frontline to launch attacks at your rival’s backline and do damage; Artillery sits in the backline to do ranged damage; and Aircraft cards are...