视频地址: 【WarThunder | 战争雷霆】战术兵法:Bf.109(中文字幕) 穿越次元的元首 粉丝:927文章:3 关注在游戏里这条是假的。 实际上f2的火箭弹:全是火花分享到: 投诉或建议 0评论 按热度排序 按时间排序 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・)发表评论 表情 没有更多评论13...
War Thunder Mobile v1.11.0.167(Old Version) ► Updated: December 13, 2024 ► What's New in Version Meet major seasonal update "Frozen Front"! — The new common vehicles — T-72B (1989) platoon, Pr. 1155 missile destroyer, and three aircraft: B-24D, Bf 109 G-6, Yer...
198 0 01:03:09 App [War Thunder]2024土豆杯夏季赛一些botya直播录像 169 0 42:44 App [War Thunder]雅克3 solo录像 いじちにじか VS HollyKNN 185 0 03:14 App Willie_Walrus VS -初音ミク- 47 0 06:41 App 败者组 Willie_Walrus VS RussianShark_ ...
War Thunder Video16 November 2018 Legends: Bf 109 We present a new video from the series “Legends” about the german Bf 109. Well-known fighter - very fast, armed to the teeth - it was the most dangerous Wehrmacht tool in the sky. ...
War Thunder Video16 November 2018 Legends: Bf 109 We present a new video from the series “Legends” about the german Bf 109. Well-known fighter - very fast, armed to the teeth - it was the most dangerous Wehrmacht tool in the sky. ...
此內容已遭鎖定 描述 This Pack includes: Bf.109Z Zwilling airplane (Rank 4 Germany) Premium account for 15 days 1000 Golden Eagles. The Bf 109Z is a prototype heavy fighter version of the well-known Bf 109, developed to address the Luftwaffe’s urgent demand for a new yet inexpensive and...
13 March 2024 Welcome to Alpha Strike! Meet War Thunder’s first major update of 2024! We’ve added several interesting ground vehicles, some of which include five rank VII premiums, the formidable Fox light-tank, to the interesting looking 120S and Zerstörer 45. Hungarian aircraft have no...
战争雷霆手游国际服(War Thunder Mobile)是一款战场逼真的射击枪战游戏,对于军事策略射击玩法感兴趣的用户可以来到这里尽情体验。游戏里你会看到各种作战工具类型,玩家可以操纵飞机、直升机、海军舰艇、地面部队等互相合作,无论是陆地上、天空中还是水下作战的感受都非常真实,仿佛自己真的化身为指挥官与百万士兵开疆拓土。更新日志Last updated on 2024年10月02日 快来看看 "空战皇牌" 新版本更新吧!— 首次以空战为主题的版本 "空战皇牌":全新的空战任务、排行榜以及三架 VII 级战机 - Bf 109 G-14,F2G-1 和拉-11!— 全新的获取空战载具的方式 - 蓝图!— 全新的可研发载具 - 德国豹 2K 陆战队列以及英国德文...
This Pack includes: Bf.109Z Zwilling airplane (Rank 4 Germany) Premium account for 15 days 1000 Golden Eagles.