If you’re looking for a beginner aircraft to ease you into the mechanics of dogfighting, you can’t go far wrong with the Tier 1 German airborne icon, the Messerschmitt Bf 109 B-1. Agile and nippy, this plane can climb altitudes quickly and perform sharp turns with ease, using its gr...
Enlisted War Thunder World of Tanks What are the best free war games online? We at Wargamer play rather a lot of war games, and – despite what you might assume – some of the best experiences are actually free to play. Here, we list our top-tier recommendations, from full-scale 3D ...
The MB.5 is a premium British fighter. It was introduced as a premium pack in Update 1.77 "Advancing Storm". It was removed from the store after the 2019 Victory Day Sale, but was reintroduced briefly for the 2018 "Royal Air Force Centenar
* Killing ground targets is less lucrative than bombing bases, and there are better planes for that.But...When you do get the right tier in SB, it is awesome. Like the A10 but with ground radar and a camera that will actually let you see things. It's the best-in-class actual CAS...
I can be using a Soviet tank, like the Su-100 (I think it’s the Su-100), but I can still end up flying a German aircraft. •Lastly, I think tanks like Calliope and KV-2 shouldn’t be mixed with tier 1, considering that the KV-2 has the highest possible caliber in WTM, ...
Every wave, two planes are also spawned which attack ground units and player controlled helicopters. In top tier assault battles, SPAA units can also appear, they will engage only flying units. Usually the game spawns one SPAA unit per player in a helicopter, their range is so large that ...
war thunder plane with most bombs [I think it is the He-111, at least for lower tier planes] EVE Online Early in the month I was in as part of our small deployment to the north, dropping citadels and making the locals come up to fight over timers, which went well enough for us un...
Flusi 1 is a prototype German anti-aircraft vessel, originally ordered by the Luftwaffe as a means to cover landing troops during the planned Invasion of Great Britain. Arriving as part of the next major update, captains in War Thunder will have the chance to add this heavily armed experiment...
Italian Republic (1992-1993) Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun – Design Only The M42 ‘Duster’ was an open-topped self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG) based on the hull of the M41 Walker Bulldog light tank. Beginning as a design in 1951, the M42, using the twin 40 mm Bofors M19...
To the fans of the War Thunder German air force, we present to you the Ju 288C, which is the most complete model among all the prototypes of this promising bomber. It will become a rank IV premium aircraft in the Luftwaffe tech tree. The Ju 288C is an extremely well-defended bomber ...