【搬运1080p】战争雷霆CL-13A佩刀MK.5历史模式 BOMBERS IN WAR THUNDER (War Thunder Jet Gameplay)落雪Silent 立即播放 打开App,看更多精彩视频100+个相关视频 更多1512 25 10:44 App 【老点】战争雷霆 9.0 分房 德系 kpz 70 + CL 13 284 -- 19:13 App 为什么婆罗门战斗机是米格19S而不是CL-13b呢?
Welcome to the War Thunder Wiki! War Thunder is a cross-platform military online game dedicated to combat aircraft, ground vehicles and naval forces. Here you can learn about the game mechanics and how to use the vehicles in virtual battles. You can also
• 6 - Rounds fired at an angle relative to the airflow will be deflected (this is most noticeable when firing defensive guns on bombers)• 想要很准确模拟弹头飞行轨迹,需要一个非常精确和高规格的弹头位置与速度的模型。为此,我们需要一个准确表述弹头飞行过程中的阻力的方程式。一个简单的空气阻力...
So Soviet engineers, when creating of the best wartime-build light bombers, the Tu-2, anticipated the potential of the multi-purpose high-speed twin-engine fighter aircraft on the very development stage. Although this particular potential was required at the very end of the war, in May 1944,...
This game features *** deaths like your pilot being killed, 30mm cannons cutting through your wings like a hot knife through butter, and did I mention this thing actually has heavy bombers like the B-17? The amount of ingame currency some planes cost can be daunting but unlike other F2P...
War Thunder As noted, I was getting the flight sim urge, so I patched upWar Thunderand let myself get thrashed soundly and repeatedly until I could stand it no more. I did unlock a couple of revisions of the IL-2 Sturmovik (the plane, not the game) so I could go do ground attack...
Kenny Vserver is bugged, bombers only 2024-11-19 22:48:59 War Thunder reports from social media @appalachiadrag@WarThunder Hey, can you fix the Ecommpay thing? I can’t use the Visa Gift Card on your store and it saying the card is declined. I looked up ‘does ecommpay accept vis...
den Motor eines Ki-49-Bombers einzubauen. Um ihn zu testen, wurde eine eigene Jagdstaffel gebildet (47. Chutai "Kawasemi Buntai" ), die 1942 in den Kämpfen in Malaya einegsetzt wurde. Die Hauptbewaffnung dieses Jagdflugzeugs besteht aus zwei 12,7-mm Ho-103 und zwei 7,7-mm Ty...
Side climb in a 20° angle, till you have reached at least 4000m, then climb towards the enemy team at 5 - 10° to build up some speed. Boom and Zoom fighters and Bombers, when possible near their Spawn (easy targets, hope Gaijin will fix this). If you do that, you can get ...
War Thunder CDK #location war_Tinder18 February A better guide to localization mods So, you want to make a localization mod, but you don’t know where or how to start. Well this is the all-in-one guide for them. This guide is here because, though the standardlocalization instructionsand...