The Ar 234 B-2 is a German jet bomber. It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27.
War Thunder’s second major update of 2024 is here! With the release of this update, you’ll be able to enjoy several implemented Roadmap features including the ability to drag n’ drop vehicles from the research tree, separate flares & chaff, new crew models, and much more. We’ve also...
Ar 234 ◊IL-28 Me 262 A-1a/U1 ◄Sea Hawk Mk.100 ◄G.91 R/4 He 162 A-1 Me 262 A-2a VI Rank ◄CL-13A Mk 5 ◄CL-13B Mk.6 ◄CL-13 ◄F-86K ◊Lim-5P ◊MiG-19S ◄G.91 R/3 Alpha Jet A ◄F-84F ...
The Best War Thunder Planes B-29A-BN Spitfire Mk 24 F-4C Phantom II Arado Ar 234 AH-1Z Yak-3P G.56 Bf 109 B-1 B-29A-BN The B-29 is called the Superfortress for a reason. The propeller-powered big brother to the infamous B-17 Flying Fortress, this American bomber is among the...
تشمل هذه الحزمة : DODEC Team Pack; Leet Team Pack; BIH Team Pack; LetsGo Team Pack; Hide Team Pack; RAWR Team Pack; AVReS Team Pack; Restart Team Pack. Golden Eagle هي عملة داخل اللعبة ويمك...
Re.2001 Gruppo 22 fighter (المرتبة الثانية في إيطاليا) ؛120.000 أسود فضي ؛حساب مميز لمدة 7 أيام.تسمح لك جميع المرك...
War Thunder - US Starter Bundle PS4PS5 M3A1 Stuart tank (Rank 1, USA) Thach's F2A-1 plane (Rank 1, USA) 120.000 Silver Lions Premium Account for 7 days. $5.59 War Thunder - Two Fronts Bundle PS4PS5 $39.99 War Thunder - SU-22M4 Bundle ...
The ability to not lose the daily login streak in War Thunder by playing War Thunder Mobile has been added. The link with QR-codes for downloading War Thunder Mobile has been added to the daily login streak window. The colors for the standard and desert camouflages for modern Italian armored...
مطورة بواسطة Gaijin Distribution Kft العب باستخدام Xbox One Xbox Series X|S الإمكانات Online co-op Online multiplayer يعمل مع War Thunder مجاني+ ...
阿尔-2于1940年春天进入红军空军服役。这架飞机从战争开始一直服役到1944年底,与红军空军和苏联海军航空兵一起作为俯冲轰炸机和侦察机服役。阿尔-2在1941年初停产。总共生产了大约200架。 媒体 皮肤 看看别的 发展型号 SB (消歧义) 模板:苏联空军...