AIM-9C是美国空军科技树中可用的第二款半主动雷达寻的空空导弹,第一款是F3H-2上的平平无奇的AIM-7C。虽然能够达到3马赫的速度,并装有致命的11.5公斤TNT当量战斗部,但“麻雀”巨大的弹体导致了最大过载较低(仅18G),并且只有AIM-9C的三分之一的制导时长(20秒 vs 60秒)。 作战...
AIM-9B 响尾蛇空对空导弹 AIM-9C 响尾蛇空对空导弹 AIM-9C 响尾蛇空对空导弹 AIM-9C 响尾蛇空对空导弹 AIM-9D 响尾蛇空对空导弹 AIM-9D 响尾蛇空对空导弹 AIM-9D 响尾蛇空对空导弹 AIM-9D 响尾蛇空对空导弹 AIM-9E 响尾蛇空对空导弹 AIM-9E 响尾蛇空对空导弹 AIM-9G 响尾蛇空对空导弹 AIM...
{ id = 394371, duration = 6, max_stack = 1 }, -- 4pc focusing_aim = { id = 394384, duration = 15, max_stack = 1 } } ) spec:RegisterGear( "tier30", 202482, 202480, 202479, 202478, 202477 ) spec:RegisterGear( "tier31", 207216, 207217, 207218, 207219, 207221, 21...
武器预设 飞行性能 压缩机 液压助力 维修机翼 发动机 生存能力 维修机身 机体翻新 抗荷服 蒙皮 武器 MK 77 FFAR 太空飞鼠 热焰弹 / 干扰箔 Mk 81 20 毫米前射武器弹链 LAU-35A 挂架 AIM-9B Mk 82 20 毫米前射机炮翻新 LAU-10/A AIM-9C
( "focusing_aim" ) removeStack( "precise_shots" ) if talent.bombardment.enabled then if bombardment_count == 3 then applyBuff( "bombardment" ) bombardment_count = 0 else bombardment_count = bombardment_count + 1 end end end, }, -- The Hunter takes on the aspect of a cham...
No AIM-9Cs? Or could this variant not carry them? Show moreAll answers (3) MONTECARLOSS 8 March 2021 4 The F8U-2 didn't use the aim-9c until it was retrofitted into the F9U-2N. Since it isn't a F8U-2N or later variant, it isn't receiving the aim-9C and G. ...
The Matra R530 is a good upgrade from the AIM-9B Sidewinder. The radar-guided R530 gives the Crusader BVR and all-aspect capabilities, which are superior in range (albeit less agile) to the radar-guided AIM-9C carried by the American counterpart of the F-8E. However, the usage of a ...
At this altitude, common enemies are the F-104 Starfighter, other MiG-21s, Harriers, and the F-8E Crusader, the Crusader being the most dangerous thanks to the AIM-9C radar-guided missile and countermeasures. At higher altitudes, the missiles can fly longer and faster, while aircraft became...
AIM-9响尾蛇AIM-9B•AIM-9C•AIM-9D•AIM-9E•AIM-9G•AIM-9H•AIM-9J•AIM-9L•AIM-9M•AIM-9P AIM-54不死鸟AIM-54A•AIM-54C AIM-92毒刺空对空毒刺 AIM-120阿姆拉姆AIM-120A•AIM-120B AGM AGM-12小斗犬AGM-12B•AGM-12C ...