Here’s everything we know about Delves inWoW: While Delves can have up to five people, they arerole-agnostic.This means you won’t strictly need a tank, healer, and DPS to have any chance at success. Hopefully, this should also lessen wait times, so you can dive right into the new...
So, forHardcorein particular, I recommend running dungeons when you’re on the higher end of the level range. Such as being in the later 20s for level for a dungeon likeShadowfang Keepto minimize your chance of permanent death. At the very least, I’d take along a higher-level tank or...
The famous jack of all trades master of none class has been heavily underperforming in this expansion. While that might not be the case for Guardian (tank) Druids, it’s certainly clear as day that Balance DPS Druid is in need of major buffs to be good. Although the Balance Druid got ...
Higher Libram and Burning Essence Droprate Hotfix Coming + Fire Resist Explanation in SoD P4 ByStaff Blizzard will be increasing the drop rate for Librams of Resilience in BRD and BRS, as well as Burning Essence rates from the Dark Coffer with a hotfix today. They also explained...
I thought I saw something like that on Shark Tank? Didn’t Oscar de la Hoya or Keanu Reeves take an ice bath after their workouts? Anyway, you sound like you have inflammation. Maybe a naturopath can help you, since the doctors didn’t. You’ve got little to lose trying it. https:...
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