This 3-part Norwegian miniseries is based on true events and centers on two Norwegian merchant sailors who are sailing on a ship in the Atlantic when World War II ignites. Set in 1939, the series shows how the two men inadvertently become ‘war sailors’ on Allied waters, trying to survive...
Netflix is still the leading premium streaming service, with over 200 million worldwide subscribers. It offers thousands of movies and TV shows to binge watch, including its always growing list of original films and series, including Stranger Things, The Witcher, Bridgerton, and many more. See ...
List of the latest war TV series in 2024 on tv and the best war TV series of 2023 & the 2010's. Top war TV series to watch on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime & other Streaming services, out on DVD/Blu-ray or on tv right now.
See detailed box office info on IMDbPro Tech specs Edit Runtime 2hours31minutes Color Color Sound mix DTS IMAX 6-Track AGA Sound System Dolby Digital Dolby Atmos Aspect ratio 2.35 : 1 Related news Hrithik Roshan and His Family to Feature in Netflix Documentary Series ...
Last Call: 2 Great Series and a Movie Leaving Netflix Soon Catch them while you can—three must-watch titles are bidding Netflix farewell soon. Here's what you shouldn't miss. 5 Must-Watch British Crime Dramas on Netflix That Deliver Suspense and Grit Moody atmospheres, sharp storytelling...
Also ranks #4 on Pretty Good Movies On Netflix To Distract You During A Bout of Insomnia Also ranks #6 on The Best Movies Of 2006 43 Flags of Our Fathers Ryan Phillippe, Jesse Bradford, Adam Beach 16 votes This compelling war drama, directed by Clint Eastwood, examines the Battle of Iw...
by Valentina Kraljik Fiction Horizon TF1 Erik Barmack’s Wild Sheep Content Teams With International Emmy Winner Hernán Caffiero for Football Gang Drama ‘Raza Brava’ (Exclusive) 12/20/2024 by John Hopewell Variety Film + TV French Manga Adaptation ‘Cat’s Eyes’ Wins Unifrance Export Award...
After learning about the historical events between 1939 and 1945, you should watchthe best World War II movies on Netflix. 2. The Vietnam War [Broken URL Removed] The Vietnam War is a 10-part TV series directed by the famed documentary maker, Ken Burns. First broadcast on PBS in 2017...
After a year-long wait, fans have finally been given the action-filled trailer for the upcoming Transformers animated series on Netflix. Announced back in February 2019, Transformers: War for Cybertron will be a three-season trilogy following the original war on the robot alien planet which ...
Max Netflix The Man in the High Castle (2015–2019) Based on Philip K. Dick’s speculative fiction novel, The Man in the High Castle answers the question posed by every freshman history major: What if the Allies lost World War II? The answer seems to be: a lot more weebs in San...