First things first, to dive into the test server of War Robots on your PC, you’ll need to follow a few simple steps. Don’t worry; it’s easier than piloting a giant Mech in battle! To start, visit the official War Robots test server page. Here, Pixonic, the game’s developer, ...
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Battle online with players from all over the world in a variety of game modes such as; Server v Server wars, Dark Forces, War Robots and weekly Capital Throne Showdowns all while experiencing the real battles with your alliance. Fight for glory, liberate the oppressed and dominate your ...
Play for free War Robots Those looking for free thrills may want to check out War Robots, especially if they’re fans of mech-on-mech 6v6 skirmishes. There’s a good chance that as you blast your way through the competition, you’ll find something appealing that you’ll stick around for...
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