WAR ROBOTS 7.1 UPDATE NOTES Event: DSC Boot CampThe event will start soon after Update 7.1 lands on your platform. The event task chain will be available in the Operations interface.Set an example for raw recruits and win valuable rewards from the Oversight Committee:New...
They predicted that the success of the Doctor's actions there would give rise to a race of synthetic robots capable of bringing about the downfall of the Dalek Empire. (PROSE: A Device of Death) Alternatively, the CIA's own documents appeared to claim the Doctor's mission did not actually...
It's been posted in a lot of terrain threads, but the Generator from the 'Generator Defense' Halo boxed sets is absolutely gorgeous as a massive generator/silo/supercomputer/etc. It's large, about 10" tall: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/06/30 13:15:22 Post by: Pete...
And to finish the line for i needed one last piece of artillery, which is a Sig-33. The crew has a head swap from Mad Robots range. You may ask why this modell? It is not shown in the movie. Well this piece is quite usefull on arrakis, were no one else uses artillery pieces, ...