WeekesJohnR.Corrections TodayWeeks, J. R. (1998). America's War on Drugs: Unprecedented Success or Casualty of Failed Policy? Corrections Today, 60, 8.
A resounding success or a disastrous failure: re-examining the interpretation of evidence on the Portuguese decriminalisation of illicit drugs. A resounding success of a disastrous failure: Re-examining the interpretation of evidence on the Portuguese decriminalisation of illicit drugs’, 2012, Drug....
Perhaps the “war on drugs”, initiated by President Nixon in the 1970s, was worth starting, in part for the reasons Posner gives. I say “perhaps” since I have always been skeptical of the war, particularly in light of the disastrous American experience with prohibition of alcohol...
The amount of people we are sending to jail is a reflection upon the failure of our society. That failure is not about lack of prayers, naughty songs or high taxes; it’s about the growing disparity of wealth, job insecurity, loss of benefits, more guns and the central conservative value...
The War On Drug War Today the number are in the war on drug is a huge failure with devastated unintended consequences, it lead to mass incarceration in the us, to corruption, to political destabilization, and violence in latin america, asia, and africa. To systemic human right abuse across...
The former head of the DEA, Michele Leonhart, asserted that “it may seem contradictory, but the unfortunate level of violence (in Mexico) is a sign of success in the fight against drugs.” The capture of a major drug kingpin is always officially labeled as a “victory in the war on dr...
He said that the job of civilian mariner is more on adventure and not a regular job wherein a good salary is gained through hard work. He considers being away from the family as the hardest part of the job in which he experienced for ...
I propose a new bottom line for evaluating our success. Currently, our government measures the success of our drug policies by whether drug use went up or down, or whether seizures went up or down, or how many acres of coca we eradicated in South America. These are absolutely the wrong ...
The following morning, finding genuine doubt as to the success of an attempt to recover other bodies, but believing that failure to rescue them would dishearten the command and encourage the Indians who are so particular in this regard, I took eighty men and went to the scene of action.....
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET A PERFECT ENEMY A PRIVATE WAR A PUNTERS PRAYER A PUPPET ASYLUM A QUIET PASSION A Room to Die For A Screenwriters Journey To Success A Sense of Dread A Sense of Dread: Getting Under the Skin of Horror A Shadow In The Dark A SMALL FORTUNE A...