My movements were languid, my plans of the vaguest. I had an idea of going to Leatherhead, though I knew that there I had the poorest chance of finding my wife. Certainly, unless death had overtaken them suddenly, my cousins and she would have fled thence; but it seemed to me I ...
The complete script of 'The War of the Worlds' by H. G. Wells, as performed by Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre on the Air, and broadcast on CBS on November 30, 1938.
Lesson Plan Invite students to exploreArt of the First World War. Ask each student to choose a painting and research the life of the artist. Then have each student assume the character of the artist and explain to classmates, without identifying the painting selected, what the artist meant to...
However, as is the case with Anna Karenina and other works of Tolstoy's, his characters are not people who complete one heroic deed and are thereby revered as bastions of history. Rather, his characters are ordinary people in society who are afraid of dying, who have plans thwarted by ...
The Linear and Quantum Worlds of Emergency Planners and Responders The previous section has explored multiple ways in which governments and practitioners embed the past (especially ‘lessons learned’) within their efforts to avoid repeating it. Commemoration, staged displays of social unity, and public...
Ahead of The War Within's release two weeks from today, Digital Extremes plans to run bonus weekends which will offer players double resources, credits and affinity. More information on all of that can be found via thegame's official site. ...
According to Mimir, Thor wished to fight Faye as she was rumored to be a great Jotünn warrior who foiled many of the Aesir's plans, but Faye effectively eluded him for her whole life, which angered him greatly. However, Mimir was partly wrong since it is revealed that Faye did fight ...
Had they rather too manifestly tried to make the best of two worlds—leaving the schools alone? Must this breaking down of strands that was everywhere apparent, go still further? And if so, how far would the breaking down have to go before fresh nets could be woven? If Oswald in his ...
1: what are the two worlds? theme: the two worlds are at warParas. 2-5: why are the two worlds at war?Paras. 6-14: the two worlds are governed by differe 8、nt lawsParas. 15-16: consequence of incompatibility between the two worldsParas. 17-21: the issue should be understood in...
I wrapped up fieldwork as I always do, with a sense of deep humility and an expanded sense of different lifeworlds. This time, however, that humility was less intellectual in nature than corporeal. The storm had added a new layer of complexity to my role in the project and to my ...