For instance, Gene Barry’s Dr Clayton Forrester in Byron Haskin’s The War of the Worlds (1953) is a thinly veiled version of Oppenheimer, complete with similar biographical details and stature as scientific hero, and a figure who is finally left roaming around shattered cities amidst an apoc...
4/8/2015 - The cover of this month's National Geographic magazine is causing some major controversy among the cognitively aware, as this once-upstanding and generally unbiased nature periodical has quite obviously fallen headlong into the clutches of corporate-controlled propaganda and lies. Outlining...
The Second War (also known as the Second Great War)[1] was a major conflict that took place in the Eastern Kingdoms between the armies of the Orcish Horde and an Alliance of humans and several other races, that began five years following the opening of the Dark Portal and lasted until ...
What happens at the end of War of the Worlds? What happens at the end of The Sorrow of War? What happens to Risa in Unwind? What happens at the end of Peace Like a River? What happens at the end of The Wednesday Wars? What happens to Natasha in War and Peace?
Emilia, condesa (countess) de Pardo Bazán, attempted to combine the aesthetics of naturalism with traditional Roman Catholic values in her novels of Galicia, Los pazos de Ulloa (1886; The Son of a Bondwoman) and La madre naturaleza (1887; “Mother Nature”), sparking considerable controversy....
On the other hand, England, Holland, and France were all opposed to Archduke Charles, because his accession would reunite the Spanish and Austrian branches of the Hapsburg family. Louis XIV, exhausted by the War of the Grand Alliance, sought a peaceful solution to the succession controversy and...
Unfortunately, the film is shrouded in the continuing controversy of its director, Roman Polanski. But that doesn't diminish the remarkable achievements of the rest of the cast and the crew, especially Adrien Brody, who, at the tender age of 29, is still the youngest actor to win the Best...
Last week’s War of the Worlds 2 premiere had my mind racing, so I’m officially stepping in to recap this season moving forward. I’ve got a lot of thoughts on The Challenge’s new structure, new alliances, new players, returning vets, and more this season, so why not make use of...
Orson Welles, Radio, and The War of the Worlds October 28, 2014byrichardpellsLeave a Comment As also posted on Yale Books Unbound: October 30, 1938. The night before Halloween in America. After dinner, at 8:00 in the ...
The Leverian is a museum of artifacts curated by the enigmatic Drusus Leverian. These galleries serve to shed light on WARFRAME's lore, each one being typically centered around a happenstance but historically significant tale of a Warframe; that is recre