叙述者在一种既具有象征意义又令人厌恶的姿态中,抓住一根杂草的茎并咀嚼它,无意中证明了他对破坏植物的微生物的免疫力。 【参考资料】H.G.Wells(H.G.威尔斯)《The War of the Worlds》《世界大战》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———
历史上曾引起恐慌的广播剧《世界大战》 | 1938年10月30日晚,美国各地的电台听众听到了一个惊人的报告,神秘的生物和可怕的战争机器向纽约市移动。但这则令人毛骨悚然的广播并不是真正的新闻简报——它是奥森·威尔斯改编的H.G.威尔斯经典小说“世界大战(War of the Worlds)”。广播剧以一系列看似真实的新闻插播形...
|会长妄言 853播放 未知生物入侵局中局下,全美百万人群恐慌?1万字首发解密|X悬镜(The War of the Worlds 1938 radio drama) 469播放 未知生物入侵局中局杂谈,从大恐慌到合谋,一个小学生up的一点心声|X悬镜(The War of the Worlds 1938 radio drama) 149播放...
The Mercury Theatre on the Air Presents the War of the Worlds: The Original October 30, 1938 BroadcastOrson Welles Lux Radio Theatre Presents the War of the WorldsOrson Welles Lux Radio Theatre Presents the War of the Worlds (February 8, 1955)Orson Welles Ktsa Radio Presents Orson Welles Meet...
|会长妄言 853播放 未知生物入侵局中局下,全美百万人群恐慌?1万字首发解密|X悬镜(The War of the Worlds 1938 radio drama) 469播放 未知生物入侵局中局杂谈,从大恐慌到合谋,一个小学生up的一点心声|X悬镜(The War of the Worlds 1938 radio drama) 149播放...
1. US CBS Radio play (1938). Part of the Mercury Theatre on the Air series of plays, the 30 October 1938 dramatization of H G Wells's War of the Worlds (April-December 1897 Pearson's; 1898) was arguably the most famous broadcast ever made; an adaptation by Howard Koch of the novel...
moving on giant metal tripods and using deadly heat rays to ruthlessly destroy everything in their wake. Most infamous was the 1938 Orson Welles radio broadcast that had average Americans convinced they were being invaded by Martians. Then George Pal had a crack atThe War of the Worldswith a...