将“war of national liberation"翻译成中文 民族解放战争是将“war of national liberation"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:More recently, it has been a consequence of wars of national liberation. ↔ 近来,地雷问题已成为民族解放战争的一个后果。
In the holy war of national liberation, the entire Chinese nation, united in solidarity, bloody battle with the enemy in the end. 在神圣的民族解放战争中,整个中华民族同仇敌忾,团结一致,同敌人血战到底。 wenda.tianya.cn 2. It made the Chinese Communist Revolution as much a war of national liber...
Late summer and early fall of 1945 have passed into history as the time of Imperial Japan's collapse and the end of the Second World War. Japan's colonial empire, embracing enormous expanses of East and Southeast Asia, from northern China to the approaches of Australia, from Korea to the...
抗日战争(War of Resistance against Japan),简称抗战,是中国在第二次世界大战期间抵抗日本侵略的一场民族性的全面战争。国际上称作第二次中日战争(Second Sino-Japanese War)、 日本侵华战争(Japanese War of Aggression against China)...
Moore D., 1995, "Democracy, violence and identity in the Zimbabwean war of national liberation : reflections form the realms of dissent", Revue canadienne des Etudes africaines, 29, 3 : 375‑402.Moore, D. 1995a. Democracy, violence and identity in the Zimbabwean war of national ...
The Regulation of Armed Non-State Actors: Promoting the Application of the Laws of War to Conflicts Involving National Liberation Movements The regulation of armed non-state actors is a challenge to the state-centric international law paradigm. The vast majority of international legal instruments w...
apsychology and sociology at the universities of Algiers and Paris during the war of national liberation and who then became a Research director at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), 心理学和社会学在阿尔及尔和巴黎大学在全国解放期间战争,并且谁然后适合研究室主任在科学研究CNRS法...
The land reform was not only an economic revolution that boosted national productivity, but also a liberation movement for the Chinese people, thereby enhancing the likelihood for the CPC to seize the ruling power. As the CPC gained a succession of victories in the War of Liberation, new govern...
The Kuomintang broke an armistice and an agreement on a national political consultative system negotiated with the Communist Party of China (CPC) after the war against Japanese aggression and attacked CPC territories in Central China on June 26, 1946. The War of Liberation began.1946年6月26日,...