Sir George Buchanan summarized the overriding factor in the lead up to the FebruaryRevolutionof 1917 when he said about the Tsar‚ “although his loyalty to his Allies remained unshaken to the last‚ it was his failure to harness the loyalty of his own people which eventually cost him his...
The few principles, therefore, which come up in this connection, and which depend primarily on the condition of the respective states and armies, can in their essential parts be very briefly summarized:1. General PrinciplesI. Warfare has three main objects:...
burning and similar attempts to keep tobacco prices up. In the period 1865–1910vendettasin theAppalachian Mountainsdamaged Kentucky’s image. Among the most famous of these conflicts was the feud between theHatfield and McCoy families. As summarized by the historian Thomas D. Clark inThe Kentucky...
31 The changes in warfare to which Scharnhorst now began to seek a re- sponse were well summarized by Clausewitz in the final book of On War. From the emergence of modern standing armies during the period 1560–166032 to the French Revolution in 1789, European wars had been fought mostly ...
Fortunately the day was unusually fine, and in every city, town, and village throughout the length and breadth of the country the people gathered to pay their touching and beautiful tribute to the dead. and less malice In its May 311, 1874 issue theNashville Union and Americansummarized some...
Some excellent constitutional arguments are summarized in an article entitled "The Foundations and Meaning of Secession," by Mr. H. Newcomb Morse, in the Stetson Law Review, a publication of the Stetson University College of Law.6 Morse writes that the War Between the States did not prove tha...
In general, it is probably fair to say that the term ‘popular resistance’ conjures up visions of the reaction of populaces to invasion and occupation. But in the Napoleonic Wars — a period, after all, of mass armies — the peoples of Europe...