Fallout追了一季,终于追到这句经典台词,“War,war never changes.”
避难所中的生活就要改变了……赠品2 fallout 3 war. war never changes.since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything, from god to justice to simple, psychotic rage.ın ...
没错,战争,战争从未改变。War,war never changes.
http://cid-8bffc31ebdd679f7.office.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/Video/Game/Fallout/Fallout%203%20INTRO.MP3srt download:http://cid-8bffc31ebdd679f7.office.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/Video/Game/Fallout/Fallout%203%20INTRO.lrc[00:02.540][00:10.240]War[00:11.772]War never changes[00:15.553...
↑Fallout Bible 9:"Brahmin serve a vital environmental niche in Fallout - they form the foundation of survival for many species in Fallout, most notably, humans. They also form the backbone of the NCR economy. They also form the backbone of the New Reno 'NCR brahmin rustling' economy." ...
在辐射系列,中有一句台词——War,war never changes。请你谈谈你对这句话的理解。除诗歌外文体不限...
要了两部辐马同人《Fallout Equestra:Starlight》和《Fallout Equestra:Memory》的翻译权,有点想哭,终于修成正果了,其中一部的第一章已翻译完了,明天发,但不过因为这半年(其实是这四个月)有点忙,翻译得会比较慢,请见谅。 天上一条鱼_ 01:37 2 啊啊啊啊,为啥?把我的技能点还来?! 吃撒发放 不会...
Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition In libraryIn cartSoonWishlisted In libraryIn cartSoonWishlisted User reviews + Add your review 4.2 /5 overall rating 4.2 /5 verified owners rating 3.9 /5 filters based rating Show:5 on page Order by:Most helpful ...