Mentioned in ? Africa aggression Air Force Anti-Hitler Coalition Armed Forces Artillery Australia, Commonwealth of Austria Austro-Turkish Wars of the 16th-18th Centuries Balkan Wars of 1912–13 Baltic Fleet Battle of Olustee Reenactment Battle Painting Bulgaria Byelorrussian Soviet Socialist Republic Car...
The army of Israel camping out at the well of Harod tells of Gideon’s yet fearful state of mind regarding the battle he has been tasked with leading for the Lord. Camping at the well of Harod, which is a name only mentioned this one time in all of Scripture, signifies what we see ...
Bible > Topical > War Club◄ War Club ► Jump to: Subtopics • Terms Topical EncyclopediaA war club, in biblical terms, refers to a weapon used in ancient warfare, often symbolizing strength, power, and divine judgment. The concept of a war club is not frequently mentioned in the ...
Define The second great war. The second great war synonyms, The second great war pronunciation, The second great war translation, English dictionary definition of The second great war. n. Abbr. WWII A war fought from 1939 to 1945, in which Great Britain,
A variation of All The Strange, Strange Creatures plays right before the scene mentioned above. This is the first story to include River where the phrase "Hello Sweetie" isn't heard. This episode features a unique sound mix on the opening theme music, which features the sound of the TARDIS...
The rabbis of the Talmud were loath to glorify the Books of the Maccabees – secular stories of a violent civil war that were never actually canonized as part of the Hebrew Bible. In fact, the festival of Hanukkah is scarcely mentioned in the Talmud beyond a brief debate about how to ligh...
Old Testament - the collection of books comprising the sacred scripture of the Hebrews and recording their history as the chosen people; the first half of the Christian Bible Nebiim, Prophets - the second of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collecti...
Nearly all the major players on the world stage now are mentioned within the pages of Bible prophecy. Russia, China, Iran, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, everyone is present and accounted for. The 'wild card' of course being the United States of America who is not mentioned ...
What is the shortest verse in the Bible? What scripture shows the divided Kingdom of Israel and Judah? What is one key verse from the Book of Joshua? How many times is peace mentioned in the New Testament? What does the Bible say about tattoos in the New Testament?
were frequently taken as prisoners. There are pictorial representations of this, for example, on the previously mentioned vulture stele from the middle of the 3rd millennium BC, where the prisoners are being beaten in a net and led away. In ancient times, the captives were often enslaved or ...