Things changed however with massive US reinforcements and the landing at Inchon, the situation was reversed and better allied tanks were fielded, the M26 Pershing and M46 Patton, and for the first time, the British Centurion, that ruled supreme, washing over any opposition. After the conflict ...
I went with a custom head from MGS Miniatures that has the bangs and the bun we so often see Minka sporting in official art. It’s not as high up as the official model but I am still happy with it for a kit bash and my own take on the character. For a her Rank pauldron, she ...
Afghanistan has been the graveyard of empires going back to Alexander the Great. He was the last conqueror with enough sense to avoid the place. Korea has been fought over by the Chinese and Japanese for two millennia. In one war the Chinese were doing so well that the Korean ruler invited...
Capture times have changed like this: Three flags: from 60 seconds to 75 seconds Five flags: from 45 seconds to 60 seconds Seven flags: from 30 seconds to 50 seconds Accessibility Frontlines has had some problems with understandability. A lot of that is related to knowing where you should be...
From its gripping and appealing story, incredible scense of immersion to its fluid and addictive combat it is safe to say Sony Santa Monica has officially set the standard of single player games to a whole new level and has changed the way we play games forever. So thank you to everyone ...
R-60- Weight of the explosive mass has been changed to 1.150 kg. R-60M- Weight of the explosive mass has been changed to 1.350 kg. FAB-50- 1000 used on aircraft have been replaced by the SV version. New icons for the mine weapon modification and guided “air-to-surface” missiles ...
CNG: If player withdraws from a scenario and has to cross a river during the subsequent move on the Campaign Day map, automatically finds a crossing pointCNG: Advancing fire with no HE or with limited HE (using MGs only) is possible, but less effectiveCNG: Poppy display on main menu is...
The type of shell for the 30mm cannon of the Tiger HAP and HAD has been changed from HEF-I to SAPHEI. The ballistic range has been increased. Kinetic piercing has been added. Now the shell retains its effectiveness when shooting at targets at a distance of up to 3 km. ...
- Changed how rifle rounds stack in human inventory (was 10 now 25) - Removed rotation limits from mortars (AI more effective w/ mortars now) - Decreased Sniper Aiming time to induce higher combat ROF - Damaged Hulls repairable ("destroyed" hulls are not repairable) ...