This clause later became known, to Germans, as the War Guilt clause; the great majority of Germans felt humiliated and resentful on this point, and it became a major campaign issue for the Nazis in the 1920s. Overall the Germans felt they had been very unjustly dealt by what they called...
War Guilt clause – Germany to accept blame for starting the war.Financial ClausesReparations – Germany was to pay for the damage caused by the war. The figure of £6,600 million was set some time after the signing of the treaty.Military ClausesArmy – was to be reduced to 100,000 ...
forced to pay for war reparations of over 400 billion dollars. forced to admit that Germany was to blame for the war (war-guilt clause). had to give up territory to France and for the creation of the new nation of Poland. military size was limited and not allowed to join the League ...
War Guilt Clause Clause in the Treaty of Versailles that blamed Germany for starting World War I Henry Cabot Lodge Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he was a leader in the fight against participation in the League of Nations What happened to Woodrow Wilson when promoting the Tr...
To support this claim, the allied nations included a clause in article 231 of the Versailles treaty which made Germany seem guilty. This clause came to be known as the “war guilt” clause; it read as follows, the allied powers and associated governments affirm that Germany accepts the ...