Inspired by the classic war movie Das Boot was an attempt to transfer it to the world of computer games, but the attempt was hardly a fully successful despite some interesting elements being featured for the first time in a subsim. Balance of Power 1985 One of the best Cold War geopolitics...
Wargaming as a hobby got a big kick in the ‘70s and ‘80 with games like Axis and Allies and Risk where it brought this genre to a very large market. Today the war game market is a lot smaller but there is a lot more variety within this genre, and the quality of games now avail...
• Intense Multiplayer Battles. Wage war against other players in 8-way multiplayer games. About Kingdoms Kingdoms presents players with all-new territories to explore, troops to command, and enemies to conquer. Kingdoms is the most content-rich expansion ever produced for a Total War game, wit...
Lots of World War Two games put you in command of a nation’s economy, technology, and military and task you with re-fighting the world’s most destructive war to your own advantage – but the mighty Call of War WW2 lets you do it online, in real time, against up to 100 human oppo...
So, here it stands. To date I have been provided with a minuscule portion of what I lost. A fraction of what I spent. I’ve been told that they are busy fixing bugs in new games. And, that the people I was previously working with have been replaced. I’ve been asked to resend ...
Estimated number of undetected access; Prosecution of a 16-year old British hacker for unauthorized entry into military computers at the Air Force's Rome Laboratory in New York.doi:10.1007/BF01149599Kiernan, VincentNew ...
Total War: Pharaoh Jun 7 2023Released Oct 2023Turn Based Strategy In Total War: PHARAOH, the newest entry in the award-winning grand strategy series, immerse yourself in ancient Egypt at the zenith of its power and experience... More games >>...
Some war games offer a small glimpse into what things were like during the heat of battle. It’s a dark time for those involved, and in Six Days in Fallujah, we’re looking at a realistic take on one of the more tense battles during the war in Iraq. More specifically, we’re gettin...
1812, and its sequels 1775 and 1754, deal with interesting and often underused settings (except 1775, of course). 1812, dealing with the American invasion of Canada began the series and introduced the unique gameplay features that set these games apart. Play is split between 5 factions with ...
Total War: Shogun 2 Mar 30 2024 Released 2011 Turn Based Strategy In the darkest age of Japan, endless war leaves a country divided. It is the middle of the 16th Century in Feudal Japan. The country, once ruled by a... More games >> Blog...