最后一幕,所有的猿族爬上树躲过雪崩。我似乎是看过的。爬树本身是这个物种的本性,但在这样的故事之后,情感和智商居然退去。用这样方式幸存,正是商业电影的强弩之末。在枪弹横扫的时候,猿没有利用身边的岩石而是乱窜,伤亡很大。恰似那结尾对设定故事情节猿已经有人类智力的藐视。 好的故事从来都是构架的完美和血肉情...
War for the Planet of the Apes 03:34 电影史诗级配乐 - 013 - 刺客信条3主题曲 Rise By John Dreamer 大气磅礴史诗级的音乐 02:17 Top 20 Best Movie Ending Songs 26:09 2023電影主題曲 - 419 - 麋先生 MIXER [ 壞蛋 Bad Romance ] Official Music Video(電影《周處除三害》片尾曲 05:12 ...
英文片名:WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES全球超賣座重量級鉅作系列《猩球崛起》,第三部曲《猩球崛起:終極決戰》隨著上一篇章的故事延續,在人類與猩猩間的緊繃局勢之下,兩派主宰世界的族群對峙情況逐漸加劇。凱撒所領導的猩猩族群,面對著一位冷血殘暴並率領著人類武裝軍團的軍官強烈逼迫,為了生存,牠們不得不展開...
The end of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes made it clear that war was on the horizon and peace between the Apes and Humans wasn’t an option. It made for a somewhat dire ending to the film, but set up events we knew were coming. War for the Planet of the Apes, obviously, picks...
【题文】For those 【小题1】have seen War for the Planet of the Apes, it’s easy to come to thi
War For The Planet Of The Apes: Terry Notary On Andy Serkis' Performance War for the Planet of the Apes 38 1:57 War for the Planet of the Apes: Meeting Nova Cutdown (French) War for the Planet of the Apes 2 0:16 War For The Planet Of The Apes: Andy Serkis on the Film as a...
For those【1】have seen War for the Planet of the Apes, it’s easy to come to this conclusion-the movie isn’t about war or the planet, and it’s not【2】(necessary) even about the apes. The movie is about【3】(survive) and the choices we all make when one wants to survive, ...