Stats info You have to be logged in to download files Log in Register Main files Sort by Name Asc Cleric War Domain - Extra Attack Date uploaded 13 Sep 2023, 10:40PM File size 2KB Unique DLs 1.2k Total DLs 1.5k Version 1.0 WARNING! Do NOT install this mod, if you ALRE...
Class Cleric Race Half-Elf Background Urchin Shadowheart is one of the first Baldur’s Gate 3 companions you can meet as you begin the game trapped aboard the same Mind Flayer ship. She’s a DnD Cleric of the Trickery Domain who worships a somewhat shady deity, and she’s got a prett...
Honestly, we’re not huge fans of theDnD statsspread here. An Arcane Trickster Rogue might want to buff both Charisma and Intelligence, but it leaves their crucial Dexterity stat out in the cold. Clerics will avoid this one to dodge a slightly redundant feat, and Charisma casters are probab...
Clerics with the Turn Undead ability will also find a great opportunity to flex their spiritual muscles in a fight against Ghouls. In addition to Clerics and Paladins, there are plenty of subclasses out there which interact with undead in interesting ways. 5e Ghouls also have Darkvision, whi...