In a survey of 395 students, it was found that students from Quaker colleges were less morally disengaged from war than were students from both the Catholic and public colleges/universities. This observation is further supported when the mean support for war scores amongst the six schools involved...
Trumps Erziehungsministerin Betsy DeVos will in den staatlichen 106 G. Dietze Leitlinien zum Umgang von Colleges mit sexueller Gewalt die Regel, die von einem ‚Übergewicht von Beweisen' auszugehen hatte, abschaffen. Mit dem Argu- ment, dass man junge Männer vor falschen Anschuldig...
“Handbook on Education and the War” (National Institute on Education and the War: Sponsored by the U.S. Office of Education Wartime Commission, Washington, DC, August 28–31, 1942); John W Studebaker, “The American Schools and Colleges in the War,” The American School Board Journal ...
A signal victory; a triumph that would be studied and taught across the Military Colleges and Academies of the Art of Defense for millennia to come. A classic Rose of Jericho strategy (Rose is the fleet admiral). Early warning seeds sown like thistledown across half a light-millennium had ...
Paul Fain has a thought-provoking article in today's Inside Higher Education about the "proxy war over the regulation of for-profit colleges" that is playing out in the editorial pages of The New York Times. He's referring to three recent pieces on the subject in the grey lady, two crit...
the war Americans had their first experience withnational conscription, one of the most extreme forms of rights violation. The federal government also expanded its financing of internal improvements, aiding railroads with land and loans, and granting land to states for the establishment of colleges. ...
Since the Israel-Hamas war began, the U.S. Education Department has launched civil rights investigations into dozens of universities and schools in response to complaints of antisemitism or Islamophobia. Among those under investigation are many colleges facing protests, including Harvard and Columbia....
Check with colleges and universities about available scholarships, or free classes. For persons who cannot work, consider volunteer activities to help them build skills or a resume. Support businesses that employ refugees, and stay away from ones who explicitly do not. If you shop at businesses ...
(1982). In a different voice: Psychological theory and women’s development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Google Scholar Gladieux, L. E., & Wolanin, T. R. (1972). Congress and the colleges: The national politics of higher education. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company....
There were 197 respondents, and 62% of them felt that their safety had been in danger because of violent insecurity. Most medical students (56%) planned to leave Iraq after graduation. Students at various medical colleges shared similar worries about their clinical competence, mental fatigue, and...