外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册高中英语Unit 3 War and Peace reading 教学设计案例 课题: Unit 3 War and Peace LIANDA: A Place of Passion, Belief and Commitment(选择性必修第三册外语教学与研究出版社)设计 一. 教材分析本板块呈现了从另一个角度反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为记叙文。课文介绍了诞生于抗...
WarandPeace (Readingandvocabulary) gkxx精品课件 Warlogo Anti-warlogo Peacelogo gkxx精品课件 WorldWarIICemetery gkxx精品课件 gkxx精品课件 TheD-DayLandings gkxx精品课件 TheD-DayLandings OperationOverlord:codenameforthe militaryoperationin1944toinvadeFrance. ...
"No peace, damn them!" he muttered, angry he knew not with whom. "Ah yes, there was something else important, very important, that I was keeping till I should be in bed. The bolts? No, I told him about them. No, it was something, something in the drawing room. Princess Mary ta...
Unit 3 War and Peace Developing Ideas:LIANDA: A Place of Passion, Belief and Commitment 2 内容分析 本节课选用的教材是《英语》(新标准)高中(修订版)选择性必修第三册,授课内容为第三单元中 Developing Ideas 部分的说明文语篇:LI...
Unit 6 War and peace Pre-reading activities Life during the 1800s in America was already difficult for many people. Of course there were rich factory owners in the North and plantation owners in the South, but the average farmer and his family worked extremely hard just to survive. ...
Module6WarandPeace 进入新的世纪,战争根源仍然存在,在可预见的将来,战争还不会退出历史舞台。但是,现代的战争比过去更险恶。人类如果想生存下去,就必须抛弃战争。Questions:1.Whatmakesthewarthemostseriousdangeratpresent?答案:Nuclearweapons.2.Whatshouldbedoneifmanwantstosurvive?答案:Warmustbeended.Isit...
U N I T3Developing ideas - ReadingLead-inWhat is the best university in China?National Southwestern Associated Universitysimple and shabby(简陋的)the Qomolangma of China’s educationHow is it different from today’s university?a The founding of Liandab The happy life after the warc The contribut...
学科网为您提供Unit 3 War and peace Developing ideas Reading 课件-2024-2025学年高二英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册精品资料,欢迎您下载使用,获取更多外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第三册课件优质资源请关注学科网
高中英语 Module6WarandPeaceSectionⅡIntroduction&Reading-LanguagePoints 教学案外研选 修6 Module 6 War and Peace Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading-Language Points 一、这样记单词 记得准·写得对 记得快·记得多 1.drown v.淹死,使溺死 Ⅰ.基础词汇 [联想]①drowning adj.快淹死的 1....
Topic Reading: War and peace gI had just entered the elevator on the third floor of the medical center after a simple check-up. As I entered, I saw an old gentleman in a wheelchair with an old lady behind bim. I 1 his baseball cap with WWIl on the front. Most likely. an old so...