introduction-reading War and Peace 战争与和平 Readthequotationsaboutwarandpeace.Agoodsoldierisnotviolent.Agoodfighterisnotangry.Agoodwinnerisnotvengeful.Laozi,Chinesephilosopher善为士者不武,善战者不怒,善胜敌者不与。Therehasneverbeenagoodwarorabadpeace.BenjaminFranklin,Americanscientist Wardoesnottelluswho...
Unit 3 War and Peace reading 教学设计案例 2020-2021学年外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册 2021年7月27日 发布浏览量:1895下载量:11 更多 版权异议挑错建议 已查看38%,下载后查看全部 新客免费下载加入资源篮 开通轻享会员 本次下载免费 付费资料下载券每月到账5张免费资料下载150份/周扫码支付享8折优惠...
Module6WarandPeace 进入新的世纪,战争根源仍然存在,在可预见的将来,战争还不会退出历史舞台。但是,现代的战争比过去更险恶。人类如果想生存下去,就必须抛弃战争。Questions:1.Whatmakesthewarthemostseriousdangeratpresent?答案:Nuclearweapons.2.Whatshouldbedoneifmanwantstosurvive?答案:Warmustbeended.Isit...
Rowling's Harry Potter tales offer two visions of peace. The first is a hybrid idealist-liberal peace of elites and institutions pursuing just wars, and the second is gendered-relational peace, symbolized by nurturing home spaces, unconditional love, transgenerational transmission of knowledge and ...
Unit 6 War and peacePre-reading activitiesLife during the 1800s in America was already difficult for many people. Of course there were rich factory owners in the North and plantation owners in the South, but the average farmer and his family worked extremely hard just to survive.Many poor me...
gkxx精品课件 Module6 WarandPeace (Readingandvocabulary) gkxx精品课件 Warlogo Anti-warlogo Peacelogo gkxx精品课件 WorldWarIICemetery gkxx精品课件 gkxx精品课件 TheD-DayLandings gkxx精品课件 TheD-DayLandings OperationOverlord:codenameforthe militaryoperationin1944toinvadeFrance. D-Day/H-Hour:Theterms...
Module 6 War and Peace * 单击播放 Module 6 War and Peace * Passage 1 Passage 2 Passage 3 A. great losses of the soldiers of Able Company B. an event related to the Second World War C. the most important battle during the Second World War ---Operation Overlord Read quickly and match...
外研版高中英语Book 6 Module 6 War and Peace ---readingWinston Churchill’s Speeches 教学课件 (共33张PPT)33页 卖家[上传人]:笑傲***01 文档编号:97153873 上传时间:2019-09-02 文档格式:PPT 文档大小:6.04MB下载文档到电脑,查找使用更方便 3 金贝 下载 还剩28页未读,继续阅读 /...
Module 6 War and Peace On June 6,1944, allied (联盟的) troops from different countries invaded Normandy, France to Nazi Germany in World WarⅡ. This is considered one of the most important events in the world. Here are some facts about DDay that you should know, the first day of the ...
Topic Reading: War and peace gI had just entered the elevator on the third floor of the medical center after a simple check-up. As I entered, I saw an old gentleman in a wheelchair with an old lady behind bim. I 1 his baseball cap with WWIl on the front. Most likely. an old so...