The vicomte said that the duc d'Enghien had been lost by his own magnanimity and that there were special reasons for Bonaparte's bitterness against him. “Ah, come! Tell us about that, vicomte,” said Anna Pavlovna gleefully, feeling that the phrase had a peculiarly Louis Quinze note ...
3.The phrase “a man to whom self was nothing, his country everything” means a man who ___. A.thought nothing of his country, only of himself B.thought his country was of the greatest importance C.regarded himself as important as everything D.regarded himself more important ...
DoyouknowthephraseofD Day?Yes,itisalsocalledOperationOverlord—themilitaryoperationin1944,①___startedasastoryofdangerandconfusion,butendedasastoryof②___(brave)andheroism.DuringWorldWarⅡ,theUnitedStates,BritainandCanadaformedtheAlliestofight③___Germany.WhenGermanyinvadedFrance,theyattempted④___(send)...
A declaration of Narkomindel of November 9/22, 1917, expressed the hope for "a rapid peace on the basis of honourable co-existence and collaboration of peoples". The phrase itself seems to have been first used by Chicherin who, in a note of September 18, 1918, called for "good ...
答案:PictureA:Warlogo;PictureBandD:Peacelogo;PictureC:Anti-warlogo.英语•W选修6 2.LookatthepicturesofWorldWarⅡCemetery.WhatdoyouknowabouttheSecondWorldWar?Andwhat’syourattitudetowardsthewar?答案:略 英语•W选修6 StepTwo:Fastreading Readthepassagesfastandgetthemainideaofthe passages.Passage...
Unit 3 War and peaceSection C Developing ideas & WritingPart 1 Reading comprehensionPart 2 Language points目录索引Part 1 Reading comprehension第一步速读课文 理清脉络Activity 1 Reading for the main ideaChoose the ideas that are conveyed in the passage....
Unit3Warand peace SectionAStartingout&Understandingideas 英语 内容索引 基础落实•必备知识全过关语篇研读•文本脉络全明晰重难探究•能力素养全提升学以致用•随堂检测全达标 基础落实•必备知识全过关 [重点单词]必记写作词汇 1.objectiven.目的,目标 2.drownv.(使)淹死 3.recall v.回想,回忆起 4....
In the midst of a phrase he ceased speaking and suddenly felt tears choking him, a thing he had thought impossible for him. He looked at Natasha as she sang, and something new and joyful stirred in his soul. He felt happy and at the same time sad. He had absolutely nothing to weep ...
A declaration of Narkomindel of November 9/22, 1917, expressed the hope for "a rapid peace on the basis of honourable co-existence and collaboration of peoples". The phrase itself seems to have been first used by Chicherin who, in a note of September 18, 1918, called for "good ...