书名: War and Peace 作者: Leo Tolstoy 页数: 1472 出版社: Penguin Classics 出版年: 1982-07-29 BOOK ONE (只吐嘈一句:豆瓣读书笔记实在很难用。) To be enthusiastic had become her pose in society, and at times, even when she did not feel very like it, she worked herself up to ...
People have called this kind of war "guerrilla warfare" and assume that by so calling it they have explained its meaning. But such a war does not fit in under any rule and is directly opposed to a well-known rule of tactics which is accepted as infallible. That rule says that an attac...
The fates (命运) of all are bound up with the great war that is about to engulf (吞噬) the country and which involves many other major figures of War and Peace, such as the awkward (难相处的) but wealthy Pierre as well as Prince Andrei, who pursues a military career par...
(1625;On the Law of War and Peace), explained that on the basis of his mandate aprocuratorcould acquire rights directly for his principal. He thereby overcame the Roman rule that allowed slaves and dependent sons, but not free persons, with two exceptions, to act… ...
He explained his wish to be present at the battle and to see the position. "This is what you must do," said Boris. "I will do the honors of the camp to you. You will see everything best from where Count Bennigsen will be. I am in attendance on him, you know; I'll mention it...
For more than a decade, resolutions from the UN and the European Commission have highlighted women's suffering during wars, and the unfairness of their treatment upon the return to peace. Yet the injustices and the hypocrisy continue. Women are reified as the peacemakers while they are excluded...
would have explained;Thankyou;大宋国贼 / 大宋国贼 龙王传说 / 龙王传说 wpd35xry 钦说到这儿,突然停顿了一下,“至于你的其余问题,由于晴穿会有规定不能向外泄漏,所以恕我无可奉告。”“真是的,还是没有知道任何有用信息……你这是要带我去那里?不会真是去蹲牢房吧!”思路稍微清醒后,慕容凌娢才开始...
学必求其心得,业必贵于专精学必求其心得,业必贵于专精学必求其心得,业必贵于专精WAR AND PEACE战争与和平 by Leo TolstoyBook SixCHAPTER VI During the first weeks of his
French writers on war and peace Jean Giono: Selections on war === Jean GionoSolitude de la pitié (Solitude of compassion)Translated by Edward Ford Vassili drinks in the grumblings of the accordion with his cat’s eyes like embers; ecstatic, he leans his head all the way down to the ke...