(1995). Drawing support 2: Murals of war and peace. Belfast: Beyond the Pale.ROLSTON, Bill. Drawing Support 2: murals of war and peace. Belfast: Beyond the Pale Publications, 1998, 60p.Rolston, B. (1998) Drawing Support 2: Murals of War and Peace, Belfast: Be...
"Drawing the Lines--Gender, Peace and War: An Introduction." In Images of Women in Peace & War: Cross-Cultural and Historical Perspectives, ed. Sharon MacDonald, Pat Holden and Shirley Ardener. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1987. Pp. 1-26.Macdonald, Sharon. 1988. "Drawing the...
In recent years there have been two notably different strands in the ways in which Western women have viewed and attempted to transform the prevailing imagery of gender, peace and war in their societies. Some women have set up women's peace-movements and peace-camps, drawing on what they see...
He had not yet entered any branch of the service; he had only just returned from abroad, where he had been educated, and this was his first appearance in society. Anna Pavlovna greeted him with a nod reserved for persons of the very lowest hierarchy in her drawing-room. But, in spite...
世界经典名著:War and Peace战争与和平(IV) 《战争与和平》是文学巨匠,俄国作家列夫·尼古拉耶维奇·托尔斯泰创作的长篇小说,创作于1863—1869年。本书为英文版,英语爱好者不可错过。该作属于世界十大名著之一,以1812年的卫国战争为中心,以鲍尔康斯、别祖霍夫等贵族的经历为主线,在战争与和平的交替描写中,把众多...
He is an aide-de-camp of Kutuzov's and will be here tonight." "Listen, dear Annette," said the prince, suddenly taking Anna Pavlovna's hand and for some reason drawing it downwards. "Arrange that affair for me and I shall always be your most devoted slave- slafe wigh an f, as ...
Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts German writers on peace and war Heinrich Mann: Selections on peace and war === Heinrich Mann The Youth of King Henri IV Translated by Eric Sutton “You let the land be ravaged. Lord Admiral, I am young and not, like you, fami...
representative,my grandfather has been to school to tell the relevant history for many times,leading the young generation to associate the happy life with the soldiers' sacrifice,and then learn to treasure life,love peace,study hard and make contributions to making our motherland stronger and ...
little wife. It was evident that he not only knew everyone in the drawing room, but had found them to be so tiresome that it wearied him to look at or listen to them. And among all these faces that he found so tedious, none seemed to bore him so much as that of his pretty wife...
摘要: Intelligence services form an important but controversial part of the modern state. Drawing mainly on British and American examples, this book provides an analytic framework for understanding the" intelligence community" and assessing its value. Michael Herman, a关键词: Intelligence service....