Founded in 1791, by the end of its twenty year charter the First Bank of the United States had almost ruined the nation’s economy, while enriching the bankers. Congress refused to renew the charter and signaled their intention to go back to a state issued value based currency on which the...
Then a war broke out in heaven:This phrase introduces a cosmic conflict, indicating a spiritual battle beyond earthly realms. The concept of war in heaven suggests a struggle between good and evil forces, reflecting the ongoing spiritual warfare described throughout the Bible. This battle is not...
000 to 300 men. The winnowing down of the army is a well-known parable (Hos 12:10). Coming to understand the Lord’s ways and fighting spiritual warfare always brings us back to faith and
Beloved, it is the advice of a friend, one that truly loves-you, and aims at nothing but your good; it is because I love you that I intreat you, and intreat you, as you love yourselves, to abstain from fleshly lusts." As strangers and pilgrims.--The exhortation will be felt ...
The sinful nature called “the flesh” in Greek and the KJV is best translated as an independent self-will that chooses its own way, rather than submit to God’s way. When Adam decided for himself to trust his own judgment and eat the fruit, rather than depend upon God’s word, he ...
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.” 2 Timothy 1: 7:“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did ...
Armys secret bacteriological warfare From POPULAR MECHANICS magazine, Mar. Q. I hold 200 shares of Bre-X Minerals. While attack upon the Clinton School in Minneapolis. 1998: [quoting] I know the company was delisted from the Toronto Those poor people have suffered severely all of Foamed ...
Amid biological warfare, encrypted letters, and a German spy who wants to destroy not just them but others they love, Margot and Drake will have to work together to save themselves from the very secrets that brought them together.[from back cover] ...
War is a Racket by Maj. General, Smedley Darlington Butler ...
Good Luck, I wish I could go – but feel I’ll have to ride it out here where it’s always been home to me and work toward the best outcome possible. Its now pretty scary in our so called ‘first world’ countries. It seems ‘first world’ has become a myth and does not exist...