Expression of Concern: WAPO-A1 is the causal gene of the 7AL QTL for spikelet number per spike in wheatdoi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1011096UNIVERSITY of California, DavisGENE expressionWHEATGENESPERIODICAL articlesGENETICSAn expression of concern has been issued regardi...
In hexaploid wheat an increase in infertile spikelets inWAPO-A1blines compared toWAPO-A1ahas previously been described22,26. In Kronos, a tetraploid wheat, a reduction in spike fertility has also been reported27, in lines containing additional WAPO-A1 transgene copies. In our studies the tran...
Using a high-resolution genetic map, we established that the A-genome homeolog of WHEAT ORTHOLOG OF APO1 (WAPO-A1) was a leading candidate gene for this QTL. Using mutants and transgenic plants, we demonstrate in this study that WAPO-A1 is the causal gene underpinning this QTL. Loss-of...
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是一个自己可以变美变自信,也是让中国人颜值提升的圣诞地方,颜值经济已经到来,马云也说过“漂亮的人收入比不漂亮人收入多10%,别小看这10%,日积月累就大了,去医院都是愁眉苦脸的,但是两个科室让你不愁眉苦脸,第一:妇产科,第二:医学美容科 #同事都是怎么样的人 ...