The long-lived “promise doctrine,” a court-created principle of patent construction that imposed burdensome obligations to prove the utility of an invention beyond those set out in the Patent Act, invalidated many very valuable Canadian drug patents for years, until, after a NAFTA challenge, ...
Whether that's the American flag, a flag representing a branch of the military, a state flag, a flag with a sports team on it, or maybe even a radio station flag. Whatever flag(s) you fly, you normally don't get a chance to change the design of that flag or give input on a ...
Of course, not every relationship is as clearly defined as that between a lawyer and a judge. Nevertheless, linguistic mirroring can be a powerful tool for anyone, whether you’re attempting to influence a coworker, a manager, a partner, or a client. There are several ways to apply these...
“…anyone who had any doubt about whether Wall Street could be trusted to use its power responsibly need only look at the current lobbying fight on this. If you’ve watched the local news in Washington, if you’ve waited ...
Lawyer have a hard choice too. Their share of the settlement is as much as25percent. If the case went to trial, the plaintiffs might lose, in which case the lawyers would get nothing for years of work. On the other hand, a jury could award the plaintiffsbillions. At one point, lawy...
There has been surprisingly little attention paid to the fact that members of a House hearing scheduled for tomorrow will get the first shot at asking SEC Chair Jay Clayton the question that is on everyone’s minds: why he didn’t want to...
Was it not better for her to die now? While he was considering what to do, his aunt told him that she was going to send for her lawyer.So she was going to make a new will, Hilary thought.She might leave all her money to someone else.Soon he reached a clear decision.He must do...
Oracletook a great position a long time ago,opposing the patentability of software with very good points, but later (maybe due to the rise of FOSS) determined that they are now useful to them. Red Hatlobbied to keep a proposed EU software patent law alive whenwehad already formed a major...
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Finnegan lawyer Jean Burke Fordis comments on the pending U.S. patent reform legislation.Fordis, Jean B