The leaves; however, did have some large bites out of them, but I can make peace with that given that the rose isn’t diminished by the loss of a few leaves. Making peace with pests and invasion, of all sorts, seems to be one of my jobs these days. “Take time to smell the ro...
the retrospective exhibit at the Queens Museum isn’t just a bittersweet walk down memory lane but a unique experience to surround yourself in everything that made you come alive when you bopped and bounced around to music from the
.4is no central heating. But there is a woodburner and solar panels on the top5can provide power for lighting, music and computing. Drinking water is from nearby spring.Simon Dales says, “we try to live in peace with the natural world.” He has certainly done his best to achieve...
As everyone who actually knew Vegas knew, each of the major casino/hotels was calibrated to appeal to visitors from a specific region of the greater Midwest, with The Sands aimed at Kansas, The Tropicana keyed to Oklahoma, and The Frontier designed specifically to rope in tourists from North ...
an owner must manually wheel it around the yard - taking it around any obstacles like trees, bushes or mailboxes. By doing this, the robot is taught how long and wide the lawn is, and won't accidentally destroy your rose bush or run to the neighborhood. Once this setup is complete, ...
This included immersing myself with making my own war clubs, bows and arrows with real feathers and flaked flint tips, head dresses, bead work, clothing, peace pipes and other Native American paraphernalia. I blame it on OCD, which still serves me well doing genealogy. While I have found ...