This past week has seen the widespread growth of the WannaCry ransomware attack, which was based on the EternalBlue SMB vulnerability. We released security update MS17-010 on March 14, 2017 to address the vulnerability.Preliminary reports show at least 300,000 computers have been affected globally...
"The far-reaching impact of Friday's cyber attack has proven that any organization is at risk of being hacked. Good security measures and training can help to reduce the risk of attacks from becoming disruptive," said Nick Coleman who is the chair of the Institution of Engineering and Technol...
Who was responsible for the WannaCry ransomware attack? In late 2017, the US and the UKannouncedthat the government of North Korea was behind WannaCry. However, some security researchersdisputethis attribution. WannaCry may have been the work of the North Korea-based Lazarus Group, some argue, ...
WannaCry is a ransomware attack that exploits a vulnerability in Windows computers. Discover how the WannaCry ransomware attack works and how Fortinet security solutions can block the attack.
Earlier today, our products detected and successfully blocked a large number of ransomware attacks around the world. In these attacks, data is encrypted with the extension “.WCRY” added to the filenames. Our analysis indicates the attack, dubbed “Wann
How North Korean Hacking Actually Works | The WannaCry Attack: Con Reged Ahmad, Patrick Foote, William Fox. Unlike the vast majority of governments in the world with officials that engage in various levels of criminal activity, i.e. corruption, the busin Rajiv Singha FEATURED AUTHORS Quickheal Follow us for the latest updates and insights rela. . .Read More Rishabh Agarwal Sanjay Katkar Sanjay Katkar is the Joint Managing Director of Qu. . .Read More Topics #QuickHeal #cybersecurit...
WannaCry Ransomware exploded in 2017, infecting more than 230,000 computers around the globe and causing damages valued at billions of dollars. Additional waves of the ransomware were seen in 2018. Below are two examples of industry sectors that were badly affected by the attack. ...
This ransomware propagates through a SMB v1 (Server Message Block) protocol that is not patched at the time of the attack. Microsoft has since released fixes for the Windows Server and Windows Desktop versions (MS17-010 -> link:
360 Helios Team is the APT (Advanced Persistent Attack) research and analysis team of Core Security Department, mainly dedicated in APT attack investigation and threat incident response. Security Researchers have been analyzing the virus mechanism thoroughly to find the most efficient and precise method...