Menu of the day:Italian - Bake your own pizza in the oven, spaghetti with meatballs, chicken prosciutto, gnocchi, macaroniSpanish - Cook yummy paellaFrench - Make your own chocolate bonbons, Cook your own soup, Frizz ice cream with toppings, Bake french croissants for breakfast, steak and ...
Getting good at this! Posted onJuly 17, 2007by Sonadora We drank this bottle of De la Montanya 2004 Pin-Up Caberet with homemade pizza. It will appear to the very attentive reader over the next weeks that I make pizza every other day, but really the case is that I lost some posts...
via the scenic route, I hadn’t given this session for a bit so spent some time telling the hotel walls about spatial data. After that I head over to the speaker dinner with David (Twitter|blog) and Wendy (Twitter|blog). The speaker dinner was at Boombozz pizza. The food was ...