Wanna One (워너원; такжестилизируетсякак WANNA-ONE) - бывшаяпроектнаямужскаягруппаиз 11 участниковкомпании Swing Entertainment. Онидебютировали 7 авгус
Wanna One专辑主打歌《Beautiful》于本月7日累计突破1亿流媒体,依旧喜爱和关心Wanna One的Wannable的近况如何呢? Wannable是Wanna One的官方FAN CLUB的名称,是由Wanna One成员们在向粉丝们征集的名字中直接挑选出来的名称,由组合名“Wanna One”和意为“无论什么都能做到”的“able”组成。 Wanna One成员开始各自...
尹智圣所属社LM于10日公开了尹智圣(Yoon Jisung) OFFICIAL FANDOM NAME:BABAL。 大家快来上户口啦!尹智圣的官方粉丝名已经正式出炉,没错,就是我们预想中的那个,那就是“饭粒”!一起来做智圣的饭粒,陪伴他走饭路吧! (文/aaaaarch)
Wanna One (워너원) was a popular South Korean Group consisting of the top 11 contestants of the survival show called 'Produce 101 Season 2'. Th…
在海内外粉丝都参与投票的Fandom School Idol Awards,WANNA ONE成员赖冠霖获得了男子偶像中的最高得票率。 当地时间27日,纽约时代广场路透社和纳斯达克大楼电子屏幕上出现了从今年4月到8月进行的Idol Awards投票结果。 这100%是由粉丝投票决定的结果,WANNA ONE的忙内兼门面担当的赖冠霖获得了男子偶像个人最高人气奖。此...
Each of the Spice Girls members are portrayed by one of the New Directions Girls: Baby Spice - Unique Posh Spice - Marley Ginger Spice - Kitty Scary Spice - Tina Sporty Spice - Brittany Heather Morris danced to this song on the second season of The Masked Dancer UK....
^ the underworld ghouls say that, but the BOS don't shoot the guard they have outside, or Quin who makes regular trips out of there. Or the one who gives you the kill list when he leaves to get the power armor, or Charon, or the snake oil salesmen when he makes trips in the br...
专辑: FANDOM 歌手:Waterparks 作曲: Awsten Knight/Jared Poythress I'm sick of all this, "How'd you get your band name?" "Is that your real first?name?" "Can you text and can you follow back 'cause it's my birthday?" No one cares what I want, just what I've got And...
“The Evil Dead franchise has a long history. Director Sam Raimi directed all three original films. The first one, “The Evil Dead,” premiered in 1981; followed by “Evil Dead II” in 1987, and finally “Army of Darkness” in 1992. Actor Bruce Campbell had the main role in each as...
Wannable是Wanna One的官方FAN CLUB的名称,是由Wanna One成员们在向粉丝们征集的名字中直接挑选出来的名称,由组合名“Wanna One”和意为“无论什么都能做到”的“able”组成。 Wanna One成员开始各自单独活动后,Wannable也因各自的“本命”而拥有了不同的名称。 朴志训个人Fan Club名称确定为具有深远意义的“MAY” ...