1—转子;2—转子的内啮合齿圈;3—偏心轴;4—导向齿轮 转子导向运动 在缸体内腔余摆线上,转子的导向运动通过一系列精心设计的组件实现,包括与侧面外体相连的固定导向齿轮、转子活塞的内啮合齿环,以及偏心轴。偏心轴将力传给变速器,其作用类似于往复活塞式发动机中的曲轴。偏心轴的滑动轴承支承在转子发动机侧面...
至今,转子发动机的结构型式仍遵循DIN 6261标准。自1958年2月25日第一台样机运转以来,这种发动机就备受瞩目。目前,唯一在汽车上批量生产的转子发动机,就是马自达的Mazda RX-8所配备的版本。 转子发动机是一种别具一格的活塞式发动机,其独特之处在于用偏心驱动机构替代了传统的曲柄机构。当转子沿着余摆线轨迹旋转时,便...
Related to Wankel engine:rotary engine Wan·kel engine (väng′kəl, wäng′-, wăng′-) n. A rotary internal-combustion engine in which a triangular rotor turning in a specially shaped housing performs the functions allotted to the pistons of a conventional engine, thereby allowing great...
Wan·kel engine (väng′kəl, wäng′-, wăng′-) n. A rotary internal-combustion engine in which a triangular rotor turning in a specially shaped housing performs the functions allotted to the pistons of a conventional engine, thereby allowing great savings in weight and moving parts....
2024 Mazda began studying the Wankel engine's potential in 1960 and signed a technical agreement with the patent holders a year later. Csaba Csere, Car and Driver, 1 Feb. 2023 Ultimately, high emissions and low fuel economy, inherent in the design, compounded by insurmountable reliability ...
Wankel n. =Wankel engine, 汪克尔发动机(一种偏心转子式内燃机) wankel engine [机]汪克尔发动机( 亦作 Wankel) engine n. 1. 发动机;引擎 2. 火车头;火车机车 3. (-engined)(构成形容词)有…型发动机的;有…个引擎的 on engine 随机的 gas engine 燃气机 steering engine 转向舵机 steam engine...
Wankel engine英语翻译成中文是什么意思?汉程英汉词典提供Wankel engine的音标、读音、详细意思解释及用法等。
Related to Wankel Engine: rotary engineinternal-combustion engine internal-combustion engine, one in which combustion of the fuel takes place in a confined space, producing expanding gases that are used directly to provide mechanical power. Such engines are classified as reciprocating or rotary, spark...
名词=Wankel engine, 汪克尔发动机(一种偏心转子式内燃机) 相似短语 wankel engine回转式内燃引擎(德国工程师Wankel发明的) Wankel engine汪克尔发动机 wankel rotary enginen. 运高转子引擎 Wankel engine's displacement汪克尔转子发动机排量 Wankel RC configuration汪克尔转子发动机 ...