Our lawyer Wang Senwu traveled to Tibet without a lawyer's office and the Municipal Bureau of Justice of the City Council issued a certificate At the meeting, lawyer Wang Senwu made a keynote speech on his one-year legal aid work in Nier Rong County, Naqu Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Reg...
【冰心更正】请问这是..一楼度娘吧@wangsenwu 楼主格式错误 发帖前面请带上【冰心##】字样 如【冰心我心】【冰心图片等】wangsenwu wangsenwu2楼 wangsenwu 3楼 麈迪 74位粉丝4楼 = =。。。你牛。。。这叫‘武林外史’...2011-10-04 20:15 wangsenwu