no code implementations • 12 Dec 2024 • Weiqi Li, Shijie Zhao, Chong Mou, Xuhan Sheng, Zhenyu Zhang, Qian Wang, Junlin Li, Li Zhang, Jian Zhang As virtual reality gains popularity, the demand for controllable creation of immersive and dynamic omnidirectional videos (ODVs) is increasing...
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Federated Learning with New Knowledge -- explore to incorporate various new knowledge into existing FL systems and evolve these systems to reduce costs, extend their lifespan, and facilitate sustainable development. - conditionWang/FLNK
CoSoD - CoSoD consists of metadata and analytical data of a 331-song corpus comprising all multi-artist collaborations on the Billboard “Hot 100” year-end charts published between 2010 and 2019. Each song in the dataset is associated with two CSV files: one for metadata and one for analy...
1.Taiji Yu;Pujun Wang;Youfeng Gao;Yan Zhang;Chongyang Chen, 2024 ,Discovery of the Late Jurassic peraluminous rhyolites and tonalite porphyrites in the Tuquan area along the western margin of the Songliao Basin: Geological records from closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean to continental collision...
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