针对你遇到的 wandb: error error while calling w&b api: project not found (<response [404]>) 错误,以下是一些可能的解决步骤和原因分析: 确认Weights & Biases (wandb) 帐户和API密钥是否正确配置: 确保你已经正确登录了Weights & Biases平台,并且你的API密钥已经正确配置在你的环境中。通常...
使用wandb首先要在网站上创建team,然后在team下创建project,然后project下会记录每个实验的详细数据。 1. 安装 wandb是一个Python库,所以可以直接通过pip来安装: pip install wandb 然后在wandb官网注册一个账号,然后获取该账号的私钥。然后在命令行执行: wandb login 根据提示输入私钥即可。 以本教程中的代码为例,...
I am using wandb==0.15.3 and keep getting a ModuleNotFoundError when trying to execute from wandb.keras import WandbMetrcsLogger. When trying to execute wandb.login() I am getting an AttributeError: module 'wandb' has no attribute 'login' Both code chunks used to work a month ago within...
Hello, I'm running this project: https://github.com/ws-choi/Conditioned-Source-Separation-LaSAFT which need to use HYDRA training and wandb key. I followed the instructions, registered a wandb account and got an API key. I copied the API...
原因1:/usr/bin/passwd 权限异常 正常情况下的权限: ls -l /usr/bin/passwd -rwsr-xr...
Hello, I'm running this project: https://github.com/ws-choi/Conditioned-Source-Separation-LaSAFT which need to use HYDRA training and wandb key. I followed...
wandb.init(project="smile-no-smile") 完成后,我们将进行初始数据加载和预处理阶段: path_to_train = "Data/happy/train_happy.h5/train_happy.h5" path_to_test = "Data/happy/test_happy.h5/test_happy.h5" ### check and load the data
wandb.init(project="smile-no-smile") 完成后,我们将进行初始数据加载和预处理阶段: path_to_train = "Data/happy/train_happy.h5/train_happy.h5" path_to_test = "Data/happy/test_happy.h5/test_happy.h5" ### check and load the data
Defaults to project name from the sweep config when project is not specified in the wandb.sweep() call by @hu-po in https://github.com/wandb/wandb/pull/3919 Adds support to use namespace set user by the the launch agent by @KyleGoyette in https://github.com/wandb/wandb/pull/3950 Add...