I will do this change but I managed finally to fix the errorYou must call wandb.init() before wandb.log()by changing thewandb.finish()placement. It was just after the training process bit know it it at the end of the the code (after saving the model and check metrics.) I hoe this...
wandb: Currently logged in as: osalaun (use `wandb login --relogin` to force relogin) Problem at: /u/salaunol/anaconda3/envs/h21_cuda101/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/loggers/wandb.py 155 experiment Traceback (most recent call last): File "/u/salaunol/anaconda3/envs/h2...
Perhaps it would be better to allow users to choose whether they want steps with all metrics available or at least one metric available. nate-wandb commented on May 17, 2023 nate-wandbon May 17, 2023 Contributor @zdeneklapes Glad we got to the bottom of it! Ok, I'll mention that in...
So the simple approach we take for the loggers is: 1) place their core implementation inlightning.fabric.loggers(no trainer assumptions). 2) Provide a second implementation inlightning.pytorch.loggersthat reuses the code from Fabric but provides a superset of functionality with additional hooks et...
Unfortunately no movement yet. I wouldn't expect something until client version 1.0 sometime next year. abaisero commentedon Nov 18, 2021 abaiseroon Nov 18, 2021 This would be a very welcome feature; for anybody else who is experiencing the same problem, I'd like to add some info. The...
These tools help you keep track of hyperparameters and output metrics and allow you to compare and visualize results. To use one of them simply complete its configuration in configs/logger and run: python train.py logger=logger_name You can use many of them at once (see configs/logger/many...
Finally, those metrics are logged in W&B system, and the model binary is stored under the platform bucket. from wabucketref import WaBucketRefAPI api = WaBucketRefAPI( bucket="bucket-name", project_name="my-w&b-project", ) folder = api.download_artifact("name", "type", "version")...
wandb: Currently logged in as: osalaun (use `wandb login --relogin` to force relogin) Problem at: /u/salaunol/anaconda3/envs/h21_cuda101/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/loggers/wandb.py 155 experiment Traceback (most recent call last): ...