mode != "disabled": defaults = None run = wandb.init(config=defaults, resume=True) config = run.config # For testing purposes only, assert if we didnt resume if args.test_must_resume: if args.test_must_resume and not assert (X_train, y_train),...
importosos.environ['WANDB_MODE']='disabled' This ensures wandb doesn't initialize, allowing you to run your training sessions without wandb login prompts. Thanks for sharing! Worked!
# export WANDB_DISABLED=true 3.修改 train.sh中的PRE_SEQ_LEN和LR分别是 soft prompt 长度和训练的学习率,可以进行调节以取得最佳的效果。P-Tuning-v2 方法会冻结全部的模型参数,可通过调整quantization_bit来被原始模型的量化等级,不加此选项则为 FP16 精度加载。
sync_tensorboard:bool=False,save_code:bool=False,resume:str=None,config=None,mode:Literal["offline","online","disabled"]="offline",results_dir:str=None,):"""Function to initialize wandb client with the weights and biases server.Parameters---project : strName of the project to sync data wit...
fix(integrations): add a random string to run_id on SageMaker not to break DDP mode by @dmitryduev in Devci(sdk): make sure we dont shutdown test cluster before grabbing results by @raubitsj in
[docs]definitialize_wandb(project:str,entity:str,name:str="train",group:str=None,sync_tensorboard:bool=False,save_code:bool=False,resume:str=None,config=None,mode:Literal["offline","online","disabled"]="offline",results_dir:str=None,):"""Function to initialize wandb client with the weight...
Describe the bug wandb.Artifact() doesn’t work in “disabled” WANDB_MODE since 0.13.8 with FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory Reason cache_dir_base is added in 0.13.8, but it doesn’t return a valid path, instead a clas...
wandb.login() now respects disabled mode handle exception when trying to log TPUs in colab💅 EnhancementAdd WANDB_START_METHOD=thread to support non-multiprocessing Add group and job_type to Run object in the export API Improve artifact docstrings...
| | disabled mode | ✅ | | | multiprocessing | ✅ | | | TensorBoard sync | ❌ | | | console logging | 🚧[^E.8] | | | system metrics | 🚧[^E.9] | | | system info | ✅ | | | auto code saving | ✅ | | | Settings | 🚧[^E.12] | | Login | | | | ...
> FAILED tests/unit_tests/[no_wandb_core] - AssertionError > FAILED tests/unit_tests/[wandb_core] - AssertionError > FAILED tests/unit_tests/[no_wandb_core] -...