environ["WANDB_WATCH"] = "false" # pass "wandb" to the `report_to` parameter to turn on wandb logging training_args = TrainingArguments( output_dir="models", report_to="wandb", logging_steps=5, per_device_train_batch_size=32, per_device_eval_batch_size=32, evaluation_strategy="steps...
# dir:本地文件写入的路径,(环境变量WANDB_DIR或wandb.init的关键字参数dir) wandb.init(config=all_args,project=your_project_name,entity=your_team_name,notes=socket.gethostname(),name=all_args.experiment_name+"_"+str(all_args.seed),dir=run_dir,group=all_args.scenario_name,job_type="training...
gethostname(), name=your_experiment_name dir=run_dir, job_type="training", reinit=True) 2. 基本使用 wandb的基础功能就是跟踪训练过程,然后在wandb网站上查看训练数据。wandb通过通用的log()函数,可以展示丰富的数据类型,包括训练曲线,图片,视频,表格,html,matplotlib图像等。 2.1 曲线展示 示例代码:test_...
Upload/copy the <your-dir>/<dataset_name> directory to the directory you specified in the wandb config file. [Recommended] You can place the <dataset_name> directory in the same directory as the train.sh file and change the data_path argument in the wandb config file to the directory w...
save_dir = args.wandb_save_dir else: # Defaults to the save dir. save_dir = os.path.join(args.save, 'wandb') wandb_kwargs = { 'dir': os.path.join(args.save, 'wandb'), 'dir': save_dir, 'name': args.wandb_exp_name, 'project': args.wandb_project, 'config': vars(args)}...
使用 wandb 的sweeps 调参的缺点:需要联网:由于wandb的controller位于wandb的服务器机器上,wandb日志也...
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 poetry run python scripts/evaluate_llm.py -cn config.yaml \ model.pretrained_model_name_or_path=/path/to/model_dir \ tokenizer.pretrained_model_name_or_path=/path/to/tokenizer_dir \ dataset_dir=/path/to/dataset_dir ...
Describe the bug When working on a distributed setup wandb seems to be using the /tmp directory to store some things and the directory specified in the dir argument. Here is how I initialize the wandb run if global_rank == 0: import wand...
model.save(os.path.join(wandb.run.dir, "mymodel.h5"))使用wandb以后,模型输出,log和要保存的...
dataset_dir: Directory of the JBBQ dataset after downloading the Artifact. toxicity:Settings for the toxicity evaluation. artifact_path: URL of the WandB Artifact of the toxicity dataset. judge_prompts_path: URL of the WandB Artifact of the toxicity judge prompts. ...