適用於:Windows Server 2016、Windows Server 2012 R2、Windows 10 - 所有版本 原始KB 編號:819108 摘要 本文說明會影響定期廣域網 (WAN 的登錄設定和 群組原則 設定,) 流量和計量付費連結成本。 如果您有隨選撥號連結,則定期 WAN 流量可能會意外啟用它。 您可以設定系統的元件和服務,以將定期 ...
此表中的“浏览”数据包类型指示 PDC(域主浏览器)和主浏览器之间的网络流量。 Windows LAN 管理器重定向程序每隔 30 秒或 32 秒回显一个 SMB 回显帧,该帧与具有未完成的关联长期请求的每个文件服务器回显一次。 例如,文件服务器可能在Microsoft Internet Explorer 中有 NotifyChange请求。 若要避免这些数据包,可以...
Always On 功能是在 Windows 10 VPN 用戶端中引進。 Always On 可以維護 VPN 連線。 透過 Always On,使用中的 VPN 設定檔可以自動連線,並根據觸發程序 (例如使用者登入、網路狀態變更或裝置螢幕作用中) 來保持連線狀態。 您可以使用閘道搭配 Always On,建立 Azure 的持續性使用者通道和裝置通道。
(b2) Forward local domain queries to upstream DNS: Tell dnsmasq that hostname lookups within the router’s local domain should be forwarded to the upstream DNS configured on your WAN interface. Useful if your upstream DNS is, for example, a Windows server. (b3) Enable DNS Rebind protection:...
Follow up with any additional server or connection settings. SeeTutorial: Create a P2S User VPN connection. 其他资源 培训 模块 排查Microsoft Azure 中 VPN 网关的问题 - Training 网络配置和使用虚拟专用网 (VPN) 对于协作工作的成功至关重要。 在本模块中,了解如何监视和排查站点到站点以及点到站点 VPN ...
Virtual WAN supportsAzure VPN client, OpenVPN Client, or any IKEv2 client. Microsoft Entra authentication is supported with Azure VPN Client. A minimum of Windows 10 client OS version 17763.0 or higher is required. OpenVPN client(s) can support certificate-based authentication. Once cert-based ...
This article describes the recommended TCP/IP settings for wide area network (WAN) links with a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size of less than 576. More Information Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify...
This issue has been confirmed to occur with Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 client but may occur with other versions as well. The issue is caused by the server reusing the same PPTP call-id for the new connection while the client uses a new call-id. When the server call-id is reuse...
Global Firewall Settings allows for the configuration of global parameters that impact the operation of the Firewall on individual SD-WAN Edge. Global Policy Template: A Firewall Policy template to be applied to all SD-WAN Edge in the network. ...
Step 10. To create a DNS test, navigate to Cloud & Enterprise Agents > Test Settings and click Add New Test.Step 11. Click the DNS Layer and choose DNS Server as the Test Type.Step 12. Under Basic Configuration, choose a Domain that is commonly accessed by the organization....