1.出现WAN Miniport一般是使用V-P-N等拨号连接产生的虚拟网卡,可以不删除,对系统没什么影响。2.如需...
1.出现WAN Miniport一般是使用V-P-N等拨号连接产生的虚拟网卡,可以不删除,对系统没什么影响。2.如需...
1.WAN Miniport is a software adapter used by the Windows operating system to handle various types of network connections, particularly those involving wide area networks (WANs). These miniports are essential for enabling protocols like: REF:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardwar...
然而,这种SSTP只适用于远程访问,不能支持站点与站点之间的VPN隧道。微软公司希望,当IPSec VPN连接受到...
wan miniport SSTP 之前是没有这几个的,家里还有另一台电脑也安装的是win10 LTSB企业版同样也没有,...
wan miniport SSTP 安装过VPN PPPOE拨号程序时会自动安装的设备,WAN微型端口的协议,可通过修改注册表的方法进行操作: 1、按下win+R组合键打开运行,输入 regedit 点击确定打开注册表; 2、在注册表中依次展开:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} ;...
WAN miniport driver (Code 45) Hello, this is strange: i read you shouldn't uninstall WAN Miniport drivers, because they are part of Windows. However i don't need PPPOE, PPTP, L2TP, SSTP, IPV6. So i didn't uninstall them, i only disabled these in device manager. However now all WAN...
WAN Miniport (SSTP) (grayed out) Regarding 1) Answers at answers.microsoft.om offer up things like the following, but no explanations of what or why. "Thank you for contacting Microsoft Community Forums. I would suggest you to make sure debugging is turned off and check the status...
然而,这种SSTP只适用于远程访问,不能支持站点与站点之间的VPN隧道。微软公司希望,当IPSec VPN连接受到...