Empower your development team with this easy to admin web server for Windows. If there's one thing that I know well, its software development and the web. While its not as easy as some people might think, its tools like WampServer that make things a heck of a lot easier than they coul...
在WampServer下增加多版本PHP WAMPServer可以让开发者在Windows系统下快速搭建WAMP环境,它支持多版本的Apache、MySQL、PHP之间的相互切换,互不影响,对于PHPer开发者来讲极为方便快速。 以下是在WAMPServer下同时支持PHP5.3、PHP5.4、PHP5.5、PHP5.6的步骤: 1、安装WAMPServer(官网的死活下载不下来 只有下载国内的) 下载之后...
Wampserver 2.5 will not run on Windows XP 报错信息:C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin\httpd.exe 不是有效的 Win32应用程序 操作系统【Windows_Server_2003_Enterprise_Edition_R2_CH_x86】 软件环境:WampServer 2.5 原因:WampServer 2.5 一定要安装VC 11,但是The VC11 library will not run on Windows XP...
This awesome server can be found for download at official web pageWampServer. Let’s Run through the Installation first and then I’ll go in to detail about the administration. WampServer Official We Site Step 1 You will find two options for the selection of WampServer for your windows 7 aft...
$servername = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = ""; // 创建连接 $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password); // 检测连接 if ($conn->connect_error) { die("抱歉,MariaDB数据库连接失败!: " . $conn->connect_error); ...
My Open Source Store is a single platform for all open source server solutions such as wamp installation, wamp configuration, wamp maintenance & support. Download best open source server softwares, comparing open source programs, applications or tools an
阿里云windows server 2008装最新版的wamp2.5会提示缺少msvcr100.dll文件,在网上找了很多方法都没解决,最后无意中在wamp官网上找到了解决办法,只需要下载微软的Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4安装包,安装之后再安装wamp即可。工具/原料 Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012...
Please specify the SMTP server and the address mail to be used by PHP when using the function mail(). If you are not sure, just leave the default values.For this specific installation instance, I shall leave the default values unchanged.And they are:SMTP: localhostEmail: you@yourdomainWhen...
There are multiple of ways to setup a development server on MS Windows: Manually install and configure each application (Apache,MySQLorMariaDBandPHP) XMAPP WAMP Manually installing each application would become very tedious. You could use XAMPP or WAMP which will setup the same server environment ...
下载地址:https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/ (选择windows安装工具进行下载,使用installer for windows安装简单快捷,但是不能设置mysql安装目录;mysql community server 虽然可以设置mysql安装目录,但是安装比较繁琐,需要配置环境变量和执行命令行) (选择操作系统,并下载第二个,上面那个是在线安装,比较费时。MySQL只有32位...